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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Billy Bush, Jeb Bush's cousin



This past week we witnessed an uptick in the drama of the 2016 presidential race. After a week were Trump got caught up in a debate about an overweight Miss Universe, a ridiculous distraction in a presidential race, and then on Friday a tape of Trump talking badly about women 11 years ago. WikiLeaks released speech's made to Bankers were Hillary Clinton was paid $250,000 a speech that had Hillary Clinton proclaiming to New York bankers, that she has a public position and a different private position. It also disclosed a speech to bankers in Brazil where she states she wants to see a Hemispherical union were there would be no borders and no trade restrictions in North and South America, in effect bringing about an end to the United States as an independent sovereign  nation. Then on Sunday a debate performance by Trump that was a bit amazing in itself. Trump was able to suck it up and perform better than most felt possible. That was probably just a taste of were this election is going to go.

A few observations about the Billy Bush tape of Trump trash talking about women. It is a vulgar tape, embarrassing for Trump, the words are not defended by any one, including Trump. It is interesting that this tape, made 11 years ago, not with Trumps knowledge, cuts out the words of Billy Bush, the cousin of Jeb Bush, the nephew of George Bush 1, The cousin of George Bush 2. While watching a video of the outside of a bus, we are hearing an audio tape from, we suppose, inside of the bus. So, we never hear Billy Bush's part of the conversation, the video is edited by splicing the sound to the video, There was never any reference by the media that Billy Bush is related to the Bush Dynasty. So now the question has been raised, by Ted Cruz and other republicans, why the tape was not released 11 months ago. It could be that the Bush family knew about the tape, but the fact that Jeb didn't last long enough in the primary to make good use of the tape. They then decided to use it for their back-up plan. The Never Trumper's, led by the Bush's, have publicly stated that they would like to see Trump loose by a large margin, so that they could resurrect the party in their image, and oust the Tea Party people and the Trump supporters. Trump has become a threat to their agenda which is identical to Hillary Clinton's agenda, no borders, free trade with third world countries, and subsidize displaced American workers.

Hillary Clinton really cannot win on the issues and not on her record, their strategy is to make Trump unacceptable, as unfit for office, not experienced, low moral caliber. They have attempted to suppress his supporters, Trump has also attempted to disqualify Clinton, by her corruption, lying and poor judgement. Trump has a steady dedicated following that does not seem to be wavering, Clinton has the media, The Republican establishment and all those who live off the government as here allies. The odds have been against Trump from the beginning, but he is still not out and the next 4 weeks is an eternity in a presidential campaign.


  1. It doesn't matter who 'leaked' the tape. He openly admits and BOASTS about sexually assaulting women. It's indefensible.

  2. It does matter, that Billy Bush is related to the Bush dynasty, it does matter that his side of the conversation has been muted, so that there is no context. No one is minimizing the words, and Trump has said it is his voice. But why the editing, and why has the media not stated The Bush connection.


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