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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Clinton/Trump economic proposals



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Time to start looking at the candidates vision for the country. We are going to start by comparing their economic proposals. Trump's economic proposals are clearly stated at his website. Clinton has a statement with goals but little with details. I tried to gather her proposals from speeches etc.  You can check it out for yourself by checking their websites.
Clinton tax brackets                                                                       Trump tax brackets
under & $9275.00 -----0%                                                  under $29,0000                  0%
$9275 to 37,650.00      15%                                               $29,000 to $54,000             12%
$37,650  to $91,150     25%                                               $54,000 to $154,000            25%
$91,150 to $190,150      28%                                              over $154,000                      33%
$190,150 to $413,350    33%                                              Cap deductions at $100,000 for indiv.
$413,350 to  $415,050   35%                                                                            $200,000 for joint
$415,050 to 5,000,000    39%
over $5,000.000              43.6%
Both propose closing tax loopholes and simplifying the tax code.
                        CLINTON                                                                      TRUMP
Lower federal estate tax exemption to $3.5 million              Eliminate federal inheritance tax
from $5.45 million. Eliminate step up on inherited
assets. Presently assets are valued at the value on
the day of transfer when inherited. Under Clinton
plan if you inherited stocks from a parent you would
need to pay the capital gain from the time they were
purchased to present value. Inheritance tax of 45 to 65%
Many small business's and farms would be devastated
by this proposal.
                      CLINTON                                                                         TRUMP
35% AS NOW                                                                                 15%
                                                               This approach is to make the U.S. competitive with the rest
                                                                  of the world. Most are near 20%
                                                                  U.S. based business could fully expense plant and
                                                                  would give up ability to deduct interest expense.
                                                                  10% tax on overseas earnings, which would allow those
                                                                  funds to be repatriated to the U.S.
End carried interest tax, which                                   End carried interest tax, which benefits hedge
benefits hedge fund managers.                                   fund managers.
                 CLINTON                                                                                TRUMP
Limit deduction to 28% of cost.                                    full deduction for children up to 13 years of   
                                                                                       age. for average cost.
There is more to be covered in these plans but these are the major details. Clinton plan is mostly same as what we have now. Tax corporate and individuals and redistribute the revenue. Trump plan is focused on increasing growth, encouraging business to continue to be based in U.S., encourage new business to start or locate in the U.S. and let taxpayers to keep more of their income to spend and stimulate the economy.





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