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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Saudi Arabia, Friend or master manipulator



The relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been complicated and often contradictory. While we have had friendly relations with this Kingdom for many decades, sometime one has to question whether the United States has been used and manipulated to enhance the position of the Saudis in their long term goals.

This question has been brought to the forefront with the U.S. Senate and House override of President Obama's veto of a bill that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for wrongful death of their loved ones. In April, Saudi Arabia had threatened to sell $750 billion in U.S. treasury bills if such legislation was passed. We will now see whether they were bluffing.

The families' desire to sue is based on the fact that Osama bin Ladin and 15 of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi citizens and that many Saudis were escorted out of the country on Sept. 12, 2001 by the U.S government before they could be questioned. Parts of the 9/11 Commission Report that deal with these facts have been sealed and not released for public view.

Our relationship with Saudi Arabia took a large turn with the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1980. They instantly became fearful of a militant Shia Islamic movement that could overwhelm them. Despite being the wealthiest country in the Arab world, with a population of less than 30 million including a 10 million foreign worker population, they might not be a match for a larger more educated county like Iran. So it appears they set out to insure their survival by manipulating and using the only world super-power, the United States. They, along with their closest ally Pakistan, supported the war against Russia in Afghanistan, and also supported Saddam Hussein to the tune of $25 billion in his war with Iran. They were on the same side as the United States in these wars. After the Iraq-Iran war, Saudi Arabia may have wanted Saddam's military destroyed because they feared he would one day focus on them. There is evidence that our State Department under Bush 1 gave Saddam the impression that we would not oppose his invasion of Kuwait. See: April Glaspie testimony:  They also supported and influenced the United States in the support of Bosnia which has a large Muslim population. Was this already the beginning of a long range plan by the Saudis?

Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahhabis theology. Wahhabism is not only the religion of the country,  Sharia law also governs the judicial branch and all government actions.  It is the most strict form of the Muslim religion- a militant and fundamental Islamic theology whose mission is to spread Islam around the world. It seems many have overlooked this part of Saudi Arabian goals. Was the security of Bosnia as a Muslim state in Europe part of the long term plan? Many wonder what would be the motive of Saudi Arabia to be complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attack. Could it have been to force the United States to make the Middle East it's priority? If so, it worked. Saudi Arabia has been supportive of all Sunni terrorist organizations, Al Qaida, Hamas, the Muslim brotherhood, Nusra Front, AhRar-al-Sham and ISIS. They have supported the Army of Conquest in Yemen and Syria. They are in local wars with many Shia countries and groups. While Shias have been involved in terrorism and conflict in the Middle East, the Saudis have been involved in a much larger agenda. Does anyone ever wonder why they have financed 1359 mosques, 210 Islamic centers, 202 colleges, and 2000 schools in western non-Muslim majority countries. They have refused to take a single Syrian refugee, while encouraging Muslim expansion into Europe and America. Is this their long term goal? 

The Saudis are members of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and is a G-20 member. This is despite having financed international terrorism and having one of the worst human rights records in the world. They are also believed to have financed Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. They most likely will be able to buy such weapons from Pakistan if they desire.

They are the largest importer of weapons in the world, mostly supplied by the United States, Canada, Britain and France. Since 2009 their purchases from the United States have exploded to $110 billion in arms sales. Money equals political influence, no matter who is giving it.

They have gained great influence and access to the governments of Europe and the United States by supporting politicians with money and having supporters in high positions in the western governments. There are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration and the Clinton Foundation, which has reportedly received $30 million of contributions, although most foreign contributions have not been reported. Hillary Clinton's close friend and adviser of 18 years, Huma Abedin, is a memebr of a family that supports the Muslim Brotherhood and who are intense supporters of Sharia law. While these are instances that are verifiable, I don't doubt that the same influence has been exerted on Republican administrations and on the politicians in the EU. So, we will see if these lawsuits move forward in the coming months, I am sure there are efforts underway to squash any trials or hearings that would expose any involvement with 9/11 by the Saudi government. It's time our politicians act for best interests of the American people rather than personal financial gain.

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