We have been watching for several years as the drama of Venezuelan Socialism has run its course in a remarkably short time. Many nations experiment in socialism have taken decades to reach final collapse. It seems that everything today is on a much more accelerated pace.
We watched as an oil rich, reasonably advanced nation fell for siren song of socialism, free stuff for everyone guaranteed by the government. We watched as they nationalized foreign owned companies, who then proceeded to withdraw investments in the country. As the government took over the means of production, the natural incentives to excel and operate efficiently were eliminated and quickly led to shortages, inflation, and an economic decline. It was all very predictable.
The U.S. should keep out of this affair, let the Venezuelans reap what they have sown. We are not their parent or protector. They voted for this system, let them figure out how to get out of it. They are an example to the world, that should be reported on and watched from a distance.
The neighboring countries in the region have a serious incentive for dealing with the collapse of Venezuela. They are already being overrun by over three million refugees. They will have to figure out what is in their best interest.
It seems that usual suspects in our State department and CIA are counseling our intervention, as usual. They use the fear of Russian, Chinese and others gaining a foothold in Venezuela, Let them have this mess.
Our intervention can only lead to our being blamed for this fiasco and then the required aid, refugees, and possible military occupation. Just sit back and watch the natural economic laws work. Refuse Venezuelan's entry to our country. After all they broke it, they should stay home and fix it.