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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dems dream of total permanent control near complete.



Weak knee Republican legislators around the country, who succumbed to pressure and guilt to give the Democrats a permanent lock on all statewide elections have now assured a permanent Democrat majority. It is unlikely that any Republican will ever win statewide elections in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Georgia or any state were the Democrats control a voting system in urban areas were they will be able to garner whatever number of votes needed to win. If they cannot win any governorships, they will most likely not be able to vote in honest voting regulations.

We can now expect to see unrestrained policies of redistribution, which may very well usher in a flight from all paper assets. With expected 40% taxes on capital gains, investments in all paper assets will likely be a sure loser. If they can put in place annual taxes on assets, it will be in ones best interest to no longer own such assets. You can expect a flight to hard assets that one can keep and preserve. When citizens seek to protect and hide their assets, government's thirst for more revenue will require more draconian measures of force.This is how a country goes from prosperity to Venezuela in a few short years.

We can now see the policies that have devastated the big cities of America being applied to states. Higher taxes to bail out failed cities, along with a lowering of incentives to expand and grow, being replaced with incentives to protect what you already have. It is a sure formula for economic decline, more social unrest and a further decline in faith in government or government agencies. The government will now truly be the enemy of anyone who wants to work and save or provide for their families future.

It is now very unlikely that this trend can be stopped by the voting process. It may be just too late to preserve an America that promised freedom and opportunity. It is likely to be replaced with a generally lower standard of living, greater dependence on government programs and a trend toward totalitarian government.

While things may no longer be changed by voting, a weakened America will be a target of our enemies abroad. I am sure they are already planning how they can put the finishing touches on America's decline.

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