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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Establishment politicians, Media and administrative state still don't get it.



We now hear that those who supported Trump need to be deprogrammed from their cultish following of Cult leader Donald Trump. That the America First agenda needs to destroyed and anyone who espouses such a policy needs to be suppressed, alienated and possibly destroyed.

The piling on in the last week has now accelerated into a frenzy of very dangerous propaganda. Their fear of America First is now becoming more evident by the day. It seems somehow they believe that they can shame those who believe in a America with borders, that protect its workers from unfair trade arrangements, who oppose putting foreign interests ahead of the well being of American citizens, who do not believe that the federal government needs to control and regulate every aspect of American life and reject the policy that American citizens should support the policies of a select few that send our soldiers and spend our tax dollars on every dispute around the world. Many of these disputes actually created by these same geniuses meddling in the affairs of other nations.

Donald Trump is not the originator of a desire for an America first policy, he is just the spokesmen up to now. 

It is likely that policies planned by the coming Jobama administration will in a short time actually grow America First into more broad support. Many who were put off by the style and the demeanor of Trump will likely see the validity of the arguments made in the last 4 years. After all, it was the policies of Bush and Obama that made the presidency of Trump possible. 

We see the list growing of the likely Republican presidential candidates for 2024, most are delusional. The likes of Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Pat Toomey or some Bush dynasty member can not win the nomination in the new Republican party. They just don't know it yet. Any such nominee put forth from the back room, if nominated, will lose to any democrat opponent. The days of nose-holding voting are over.  It is a fact that the republican party will never be the same. Some actually believe establishment republicans really don't want to be in the majority, but would rather be back benchers complaining about democrat policies, but never really stopping them, just allowing a slow decline of America as a country.

It is also a fact that the democrat coalition is about to embark on a realignment of their own. Without Trump as a foil, they will have a clear picture of their future and how to deal with their buyers remorse.

The Democrats now believe they have some kind of mandate to continue the fundamental transformation of America into some kind of  Utopian socialist state. They actually claim they are using California as a model for the future of the country. While they will likely continue to attack Trump, their policies will now become the reality that they refused to espouse during the campaign. While Biden ran on being the lesser of 2 evils, his party and their policies will now be in focus for all to see.

1 comment:

  1. The media will cover for Biden and Americans will never hear of Biden' corruption and mistakes


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