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Monday, June 6, 2022

Democrats lust for power will destroy the Republic.



The pressure on Democrat senators is heating up to eliminate the filibuster so they can pass election reform, a bill that they feel will give them power forever. They will then go on to radical gun control proposals and every possible wish list to transform the country. If they do it, they will transform the country from a republic to a divided socialist state and an end to the country as we know it. It will likely lead to violent opposition and then the only hope of peace will be a orderly division of the country.

This increase in division in the country began when the democrats lust for national health care removed the 60 vote rule in the Senate and passed a law without any consensus on the other side. It outraged much of the country with unconstitutional provisions that disrupted the health care of the entire country.  It has been an escalating decline in civility and unity ever since. This has grown to where we have 2 America's, those that just want to be left alone, to choose how to live their life without government mandates on every action. The other side wants to force the rest of the country to adopt their ideological beliefs in any way that they can. We no longer are going to the same place, we are no longer a United States of America. We are in the midst of political war, that if continued will not end well for anyone in this country.

Forcing the 49% to adopt the ideological beliefs of the 51% is no way to change the basic structure of the country. Much of the radical left's agenda has been put into place by court action, things that should have been accomplished by constitutional amendments. These court actions have also divided the country. Instead of allowing states to decide about these controversial issues they were able to force much of these changes by a 5-4 vote in the supreme court. Now, believing that may not be able to get these changes through the court they propose expanding the senate by adding more states or expanding the court with more judges. There must be a limit to their destructive lust for power.

We will likely see which way they decide to go in the next few weeks. Are you all ready for a new America?

It would be much more prudent to face the inevitable, we need a safe, peaceful process of divorce. Let the states decide through a process of referendums, without schemes to skew the votes, to decide if they wish to remain under the strict constitutional rule of the founders or let those states who want a new socialist constitution that lays out a country they want. States could also vote to change their borders to become part of one country or the other. People could have time to liquidate their property and move, it would likely be a 5 year or more process. It could be done without hate or rancor, just agree to go our separate ways. 

We are no longer one country and divorce would allow both sides to live in a country that they can support in their pursuit of happiness.

Originally published 3/18/21

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