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Friday, June 3, 2022

We are all becoming Preppers now.



What it beginning to happen in Europe and in other parts of the world can only be a forerunner of what we can expect in our own country. We have seen an escalating decline in civil society, political decisions that are all focused on control without any effort to address the root causes of increasing problems. Whether it is the supply of energy, which has remained flat and even declined in the last year, all due to the messaging that fossil fuels are now a thing of the past, when in fact our very survival depends on their availability.

Food availability also depends on fossil fuels for powering machinery and fertilizer, not to mention transportation to where it is needed. These problems are not being addressed, they are just spun to blame others. 

These coming problems are then going to be compounded with the disasters that are our major cities. Places where politics has overridden public safety. Policies that have allowed lawlessness and decimated the police. These cities will erupt with violence when there are shortages and possibly rationing. Who is going to protect the population when and if this all happens. You better plan to be as self sufficient as possible, you may very well be on your on for an extended period of time.

We have been witnessing some preparing for these possibilities for years, they were derided and called "Preppers", are we all going to be preppers now? 

There are many who never thought along those lines who are now stocking dried beans, and rice and other staples that will keep without freezing. The stockpiling of arms and ammunition has been going on for 20 years, but it may very well take on a new intensity, just when the government will be focusing on more government control rather than addressing the causes of this chaos.

There has even been and increase in the purchase of iodine as a slight remedy for nuclear fallout.

So, are you vulnerable to supply shortages? Are you 100% dependent on electricity for heat? Do you understand that no central heating will operate without electricity? Everyone needs to focus on surviving in cold climates independent of society, possibly for months.

We have seen an exodus of those with means from many urban areas, but only those with means can escape. What will the others do when the means for survival dries up, possibly in a very short time. Anyone who has what others need to survive will possibly be the only source of these supplies. Are you prepared to defend you family and property in such a situation? Will anyone respond to a 911 call if all of society breaks down?

Preparation is like insurance, we only rarely need insurance, but we all expend much money for that peace of mind. Like insurance, you hope you will never need it, but when the time comes it will be too late, you will be at the mercy of others.


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