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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Playing infrastructure bait and switch.



We have been hearing for days that Senators have agreed in principle on a infrastructure bill. It is being portrayed as a $1 Trillion bill to improve the nations physical infrastructure, this means roads, bridges and other facilities that are used by all of the nation to improve transportation, commerce etc. It seems that both Republicans and Democrat senators are on board to make this happen. The problem is, that they still do not have a bill in writing with the specifics. You can now expect that the dance will begin to add the pork, the social spending, and whatever is on the Democrat wish list. 

The Democrats will view this as a win, win for them. If they get what they want they can tout how they are bi-partisan and how they managed to get this passed. If the Republicans balk at the coming bait and switch they will be portrayed by the Democrats and the media as obstructionist, who just don't want to give the Democrats and the american people a win.

This dance is not a tango, that is cordial, intimate and cooperative, it is more like the twist, separate, distant and dancing to your own tune. So, it is likely that this is still not really a done deal in the senate. 

Then there is the other complication with the future of this bill, Nancy Pelosi and her minions are not even dancing in the same building. They are out twisting in the parking lot, not willing to have any contact or cooperation with anyone unless they agree to spend another $3.7 Trillion on social spending. She has thrown down the gauntlet and will not want to back down on her threats.

You can bet she will be putting pressure on senate Democrats to give her and her allies a few fish, so they can clap and endorse the plan as a win.  It is doubtful that her left side will be happy with any outcome that does not give them the whole $3.7 trillion in social spending or should it be called just more vote buying for 2022. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Show hearing does not disappoint.



Yesterday, was the beginning of the Pelosi/Schiff show, it was intended to ignite a bonfire of outrage focused at Trump and Trump supporters. Maybe it will or maybe not, only time will tell. One thing for sure, the purpose is not to lower the heat or attempt to address concerns from the population. The goal is to inflame public opinion and justify their desire to force submission of the opposition.

It made clear that all restraint is gone and that every action is being enlisted to gain permanent control of the population. Not the criminal population of the major cities. Not the invasion of unchecked immigration. The goal is to force submission from the political opposition.

Within minutes of the hearing, we continually heard the words terrorists and insurectionsists. The democrat talking points. They contended that the rioters intended to overthrow the government. Another democrat talking point. Does anyone believe that was a serious effort to overthrow the government?

Yes, it was a protest that got out of control and yes it appears that there were instigators who intended that to happen. It is obvious from the first minutes that there will not be any objective conclusions from this partisan show.

While these officers did have a harrowing day, where are the hearings concerning the riots and mayhem that went on for a year in most all the major cities of this country?

Where is the testimony of police and their families who were injured and murdered?

Where is the testimony of the small business owners whose lives were destroyed by the burning and looting? 

Where is the debate about the funds raised by leaders of the Democrat party to bail out the rioters, including the vice-president,  so they could riot, assault and loot another day? 

Where is the conclusion of the FBI as to who financed and organized the year long mayhem that the nation endured?

Don't expect to hear those questions or any answers from a partisan government who encouraged that mayhem for political gain.

Yes, things got out of control on January 6, but sadly those participants had a year of seeing what the media and democrats had been showing as righteous indignation behaviour. Righteous behaviour if you are promoting and increasing democrat party power.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Act 3, Pelosi/Schiff show starts today.



Today is the opening of the partisan inquiry into what happened on January 6, 2021. I watched it, talked to several people who were there, it was viewed on national television by the whole country. Everyone knew there was going to be a big rally that day, including the Capital police, the FBI, the mayor, the speaker of the house, who is in charge of the capital police. It is a fact, that Trump also told the pentagon that they should call in 10,000 national guard. It was rejected by the mayor and others in authority. 

It is true that earlier in the day protesters were allowed into the capital and we can see the videos of them walking inside the stations in an orderly way. After some time they were asked to leave, and they did.

Later in the day is when things got out of hand. First hand accounts have personally told me that there were persons stationed at strategic points with bull horns encouraging people to move forward and into the capital, in fact you see that to be true from the videos. The vast majority of people were there to peacefully protest and support Donald Trump. It is true that it looked like there were some who were intent on creating a chaotic and dangerous situation. The capital police were overwhelmed by what happened. A few thousand national guard on the scene would have easily contained what happened. 

So, this hearing , like all the other house impeachment inquiries have only one motive and that is to damage Donald Trump in any way possible. It is not about truth, or justice, but very similar to Soviet style show trials. We expect the daily leaks, anonymous sources and other contrived testimony. I would expect these hearings to continue into the next campaign season. 

Pelosi threw the designated Republican participants off the hearings, because they would ask the wrong questions, call for the wrong witnesses and interfere with her and Adam Schiff's preplanned conclusions. They did the right thing to not participate. If subpoenaed witnesses are called, they would be wise to use there constitutional rights to not participate in this farce. It is a stacked deck. It is not wise to participate in stacked games.

We will see if the American people will be inspired and watching this fiasco, or have they finally had enough of this political drama.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Gun dealers, the last source of illegal guns.



We hear that the Biden administration is sending special task forces to investigate gun dealers. They are proposing that the rise in gun shootings and murders are the result of gun dealers selling guns to criminals. This a ridiculous idea as the gun business has now been booming for 28 years without a down year. It all started in 1993 with all gun legislative proposals and has not stopped since. 

The idea that gun dealers, who are scrutinized very strongly and all new guns can easily be traced to the original seller, will engage in illegal transactions is just stupid talk. But that is usually what we get from politicians who are unwilling to face their own negligence and avoid accountability for their policies.

The federal government has the ability to trace all guns recovered from crime scenes or from criminals, but if there are not arrests they obviously have no evidence. 

Chicago is the center of violent crime in this country. Chicago is still the main hub for drug distribution in this country. The overwhelming victims of these shootings are young traffickers of drugs, who are either fighting over turf or punishing dead beats who have not paid for their drugs. There are some innocent bystanders, who just are in wrong place when this violence goes down.

Chicago's murder clearance rate in 2019 was dismal 47% for white victims and 22% for black victims. Last year they claimed that it rose to 44% overall.

In 2020 78% of the victims of gun deaths were black, so much for black lives matter in Chicago. A city with a black mayor, with mostly a black administration and police leadership. We can assume they will soon blame all these deaths on white supremacists.

No mention of the drug business is Chicago, no mention of the cartel money corrupting the politicians of Chicago, no mention of the fact that guns are likely being transported along with the tons of illegal drugs being distributed through Chicago. Why is there no mention? Do they think that everyone is as dumb as a brick?

So they made a publicity stunt to target gun dealers, they will now harass the legal business and look for any clerical errors of whatever they can use to list the success of their endeavour. It will not stop violence in Chicago, but will get applause from the media for their effort. Just one big dog and pony show to cover their own complicity.

With only a 1 in 5 chance of being indicted for murder in the black community, the odds are pretty good for murderers in Chicago. Until that changes and violent people are actually removed from society the violence will continue and most likely escalate.

Friday, July 23, 2021

More Democrat covid and Immigration Hypocrisy.



Again,we hear talk of lockdowns, travel restrictions, mask mandates and demonization of anyone who is uncomfortable getting their children vaccinated with an experimental vaccine. If you are part of the vulnerable population, the risk/reward is to get vaccinated, but to pre-judge those who may have health conditions or are not in a serious risk group is again more hypocrisy.

These vaccines have not yet been approved for anyone under 13. There have been a certain percentage of young adults who have had some serious complications from the vaccines. No one has yet calculated the risk/ reward statistics for anyone to make sound judgement for young people. It is easy for bureaucrats to say that the risk reward for the entire population is acceptable. Sounds good, but as a parent your responsibility is first to your children, who depend on you to make sound judgements with their lives.   

Then again, we have recently had over a million illegal immigrants come into the country, they are being bused all over these 50 states by the federal government. Are all these people being vaccinated? Have all these people been quarantined and tested for covid or any other communicable disease? Can they refuse  testing and vaccinations? I would wager they are not tested or vaccinated, but their purpose here is more important in the big picture. And these are the illegal immigrants who entered and have been counted, then there is likely double this amount who have not been counted or interacted with authorities. 

Then there is the question of refugee status, Biden officials made it very clear that no Cubans are to be considered for refugee status. After all, Cubans have lived under the type of government his party espouses and if they want to leave,  they may not be good democrats.

Then there is the unstable and continuing persecution of the white minority population of South Africa. Many have been murdered and their land confiscated. I have yet to hear any democrat renounce the atrocities in that country or hold out a welcome hand to the persecuted population. I suspect you will never hear them mentioned or offered refugee status.

So, many question pronouncements from the administration or government agencies. Every word and every pronouncement is judged by one goal. Does it increase, solidify and make their power permanent and irrefutable? Under those conditions, everyone, must think and act in their and families own best interest.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Fugitive Texas Democrat pols, now covid spreaders.



We watched celebration by the media with pictures of Democrat politicians fleeing to Washington D.C., rather than participate in their duties as representatives in their state. It has now been revealed that over 10% of them have tested positive for Covid. They have also spread Covid to other democrats in Washington. Maybe fellow representatives in Texas should be glad they are not in Texas.

Wow, talking about hypocrisy, we see pictures of them all on a private plane, unmasked, acting like college students on spring break. They have vowed to stay in Washington for ever if necessary in an effort to deny a quorum on legislation concerning voting rules in Texas. The Texas governor has vowed to arrest them on their return. I suspect that they may fit in better in Washington, D.C. than in Texas.

It seems that people are now being charged and given jail sentences for interfering with the democratic process. Will this apply to these congressmen, who believe they can deny a legal vote by not being present? 

They claim those that tested positive were vaccinated, has anyone asked them to prove it? Or are they again being  hypocrites.

We continually hear democrats spouting what they want everyone else to do, but often they believe that only applies to others. They are exempt, because they are just so much smarter, more important and so morally pure. They are the maker of rules for the peons. 

It is laughable that their political stunt has again revealed their true character. I suspect that many Texans are rightly viewing them as the hypocritic grandstanders that they are.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Is it time to add more states to the union?



We have been hearing for years that the democrats want to make Washington D.C. into a state.  Washington D.C. was organized by the federal government and it is likely that any attempt to make it a state would be struck down by the courts. A reconfiguration by the states within their own borders would be a function of the states.  As long the new divided state would have sufficient population and land mass they would qualify to be state. 

There have been initiatives in California to split the state in from 3 to 5 new entities. They would have the population and the land mass. We could have Northern California, Central California and Southern California, this would add 4 more senators but the representatives would likely be the same number.

We hear that the eastern counties of Oregon want to become part of Idaho, but why not make it Eastern Oregon as this could be decided by the residents of that state. Maybe they would happily agree to a divorce.

What about Western New York and Eastern New York, or Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Pennsylvania. While I live in eastern Pennsylvania, I could be persuaded to a move. I suspect many residents of Philadelphia and other eastern cities would welcome ridding themselves of those who want to restrain their desires.

Virginia could be Central Virginia and Eastern Virginia.

The possibilities are endless and it could be decided by a referendum in each state with the proposed boundaries. It would be best that it would need a 60% majority vote and some time to implement the changes.

The advantages would be that it might relieve much of the division and allow these states to become what they desire to be without the animosity and endless political war.

While some would like to secede and become their own entity, that would become much more complicated. Obviously it would still have great division within their state, but a division of the state would allow an option that would only allow a short move if you no longer like the government in your state.

I would wager that if proposed there would be many supporters on both sides of the political divide. 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Will Biden bailout Cuba?



Since the communist revolution in Cuba in 1960 the country has been supported by its bigger communist allies. When the Soviet Union dissolved in the 1989 and with the elimination of the Brezhnev doctrine Cuba lost its main benefactor.  The responsibility was then assumed by then oil rich Venezuela. With the collapse of the Venezuelan economy in 2013, Cuba was again without a benefactor. In 2015 Barack Obama restored relations and some limited trade with Cuba. It was another lifeline to keep the island communist country from collapse.

Cuba supplied Venezuela with medical support and security forces that kept both the Chavez and Madura administrations in power. In exchange Venezuela supplied under priced oil and other financial support to keep Cuba afloat. As the economic health of both countries deteriorated, Cuba again is at a crossroads. While they may look to China as a new lifeline, there will be pressure exerted on the Biden administration by the ideological left to support Cuba. 

With a  primarily agricultural based economy based mostly on sugar and tobacco, which are both now becoming increasingly suspect for their negative effects on health, Cuba has no real exports that cannot be secured elsewhere. Only 10 % of their economy is based on manufacturing. 

While the Obama administration had allowed increased trade and tourism which would have been an easy source of revenue. Obama also allowed educational and cultural exchange which would have been another opportunity for Cuba to tout the benefits of socialism to young Americans. The Trump administration reversed those policies, especially after embassy workers complained about possible adverse physical symptoms while in Cuba.

With the recent protests in Cuba, it has placed the Biden administration in a tough spot. While he has promised to relax sanctions and increase trade with Cuba, the Cuban American population will not approve of that policy. At the same time the marxist faction of the democrat party will want a bailout to keep Cuba afloat.

It will likely result in some kind of assistance to Cuba that will be described as some type of improved relations and compromises by the Cuban government. It is likely the communist government will be given another lifeline.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

We need to rethink how to address drug abuse.



We have been fighting a losing war on drugs for near 50 years. We not only have more people using illegal drugs, but using far more dangerous drugs. We also have corruption of the police, mayors, politicians and many others who can profit in one way or another from the drug business. Much of the big city violence is competition for sales between rival drug dealers and gangs.

The trend now is to legalize some drugs and attempt to raise revenues on its sale. It is obvious that legal business cannot economically compete with illegal business. It will eventually lead to just plain wide open lack of any control.

While the cost to human lives from drug abuse is massive, it is far exceeded by the cost to society by the corruption and death created by this illegal business. Corruption of law enforcement, politicians and even whole governments at the mercy of large well funded, well organized and violent drug cartels.

It is time for a serious dose of tough love. The best approach is to put American farmers to work growing the raw materials for drugs. The pharmaceutical companies can manufacture these drugs, thereby keeping the money right at home. The government can be the sole buyer and distributor of these drugs. Then, the ultimate eliminator of corruption and violence! The Government will give all these drugs away free or at cost of production to anyone over 21, in any amount that they want. No one can compete with someone who gives something away for free. Anyone convicted of giving or selling drugs to those under 21 will face the death penalty.

The whole focus of society should be on education as to the down side of drug use.

This may cost the society some money to pay for the manufacture of the drugs, but it will be far less than the cost to society that we now have. We will eliminate all corruption connected to the drug business. We will take all the illegal profits out of the drug business. It will be the end of cartels and drug related violence. It will eliminate much of the theft and robbery connected to drug addiction.

Drug rehab would be a private matter. It could be engaged in by the well meaning, charitable organizations. It would be financed with private contributions. It would not be guaranteed by insurance or the government. It is time for real tough love.

If at the age of 21 you think it is in your best interest to engage in drug consumption, you will now have the freedom to go for it. You will have access to as much as you can consume. Society will no longer interfere in your decision. You will either be responsible or suffer the consequences. It will certainly take the mystery and adventure out of the drug culture. It will take a few years, but eventually it will run its course, just like any other epidemic.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Republican realignment near complete, Democrats next



The evolution of the two party system has been going on for forty years. It seems to progress in a two steps forward 1 step back process that has at times made it appear that there really is no change, but that is just denial by those who believe they can control the future.

The realignment of the Republican party started in 1980 with election of Ronald Reagan, He was not supposed to be the nominee. All the establishment were aligning with George Bush 1. Reagan won with a much more populist message and appealed to working class Americans. He was able to win over blue collar democrat voters. Many believe that his choosing Bush as his vice president allowed his agenda to be undermined, it was not long until many of his allies that he brought with him were forced out and replaced with establishment advisers.  Bush succeeded Reagan by running on the Reagan message, but quickly reneged on his no Tax message and set up the first Gulf War. He was defeated in a three way race between Populist Ross Perot and Bill Clinton. Many of the new Republicans came into the party with Reagan and their influence remained. During this time we saw the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an end to the cold war, which was welcome by some, unwelcome by others and others who saw an opportunity. Some believed as the sole remaining super power, we should use this opportunity to reconfigure the world.

Bill Clinton started to realign the Democrat Party in 1992 by making allies with business, particularly the technology companies. He abandoned workers for new Trade agreements that displaced american workers for huge profits from importing american and international companies. This translated into large campaign contributions and access to the typical benefits of palm greasing found in most foreign deals. He also engaged in the revolution in Yugoslavia. While the Republican establishment had its share of these deals this was a new approach for a Democrat, who usually depended on trade unions and government workers and promises of benefits to the underprivileged for votes. All this morphed into an establishment that was neither democrat or republican but just plain power and money. They could support any candidate of either party, as long as the kept the good times rolling.

While the two parties played on social issues and other wedge issues like gun control and abortion, they kept the same policies when it came to where the money came from.

In fact, you could begin to see actually three factions, the socialist progressives who wanted a socialist country with government control of everything. The more fascist establishment which was allied with business to gain power and wealth. Then the growing faction concerned with constitutional issues, freedom from big government control, individual rights and opportunity.  The democrat establishment usually allied with the progressive socialists. The republican establishment usually sided with the constitutional conservatives. Both sides of the same establishment would have liked to be rid of their allies but they needed them to stay in power. When the Democrats proposed Hillary care and massive new gun control measures, there was the revolt in 1994, that saw the Democrats lose the house and the senate for the first time in over 40 years. Democrats assured control was slipping, little by little.

After Clinton we got Bush 2 , who was sold by the party as much more conservative than his father. Many were skeptical  but held their noses and voted Bush. The establishment was very good at putting up a candidate on each side. They would win no matter who won. Whether Bush/Clinton, or Bush/Gore they would all govern mostly the same. We then had the 911 tragedy, set in motion by the policies of Bush 1. We invaded Afghanistan with some legitimacy, then Iraq, which set up the beginning of the destabilization of the whole middle east, the death of some 800,000 and beginning of the destabilization of Europe. One must wonder was all this just the result of miscalculation or the intended result.

When Barack Obama ran in the 2008 primary, not many believed he had a chance against the establishment Hillary Clinton, and less of a chance of being elected president. Obama was viewed as an outsider by many, he was the anti-establishment candidate. The left wing of the democratic party became the viable grass roots power behind Obama. When the republicans put up John McCain as their nominee, it was another nose holding event, that and the mortgage collapse and McCain lost to the outsider. The outsider against the establishment insider. 

The establishment then ran the foreign policy and actually seemed to lose all restraint, orchestrating U.S. intervention in Libya, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Ukraine and Russia. All the while continuing their love affair with communist China. Obama may have been more of a by-stander to this foreign policy as he seemed focused on racial issues and making race the main issue in his re-election. The establishment were happy to have free reign forming foreign policy and reaping the rewards of their power. Domestic policy under Obama moved the party much more into the Marxist camp. It became the party of social Justice, income inequality and white privilege and moved from a progressive to revolutionary party. This social policy actually led to the democrats losing control of most house legislatures and with the passing of Obamacare and rise of the Tea Party the loss of the house and senate again. The democrats hold on power was no longer a sure thing.

2016, saw Hillary Clinton and the establishment make sure there would not be repeat of the past and rigged the primary to assure Hillary would be the nominee. The activist grass roots were all in for Bernie Sanders and if given the chance could have won the election. 

Of course, the Republicans saw 17 candidates, most all of them some kind of establishment nose holder candidates. The establishment was all in for Bush, but had alternative candidates in Kasich, Rubio and some others they could fashion into their president. It looked like same old, same old, Clinton/ Bush, a winner either way. And then disaster struck, when Donald Trump came down the escalator. First considered a joke, then an inconvenience and then outright fear and outrage. He took off in his quest to win the nomination and was only challenged by Ted Cruz who was not likely to be an acceptable candidate by the establishment. Overcoming every bomb shell news item and assault he not only won the nomination but the presidency, with only grudging support from the republican establishment. Many would have rather had Clinton.

Trump survived four years of daily assaults by the media, establishment insiders and politicians who hoped they could have forced him to quit. He proved to be a real no quit kind of guy.

2020, saw Bernie Sanders take off, leaving the establishment's Joe Biden in the dust. The hysteria grew, Sanders began to be attacked by the media and the establishment who saw they needed to end this now. Biden won one primary in South Carolina and he was quickly declared the choice of the people. The grass roots of the democrat party was again denied their candidate. One must wonder if the results of those primaries were the trial run of what was to come.

The 2020 campaign was overshadowed by the Pandemic, which was of course blamed on Trump.  Biden allowed the media to run his campaign which daily attacked Trump for everything they could find or manufacture. The polls had non campaigning Biden up by 15 points, which seemed to be part of the orchestrated campaign to beat Trump, hoping to limit campaign contributions and support for Trump. Biden never actually took a public position on anything. Trump increased his votes by 11 million, but it seemed that it did not matter, Biden was going to get as many votes as it took to win, no matter what. It is clear to anyone who wants to be objective, that the fix was in by the establishment, that is both democrat and republican to end this at any cost.

The result of this election has solidified the base of the republican party, it will not be overturned by the republican establishment. The democrat base is going to see that they have been betrayed again and their internal struggle is likely to be just beginning. Does the Democrat base really want endless foreign intervention, idle american factories and workers and more promises of socialism without it actually happening, it may take another election cycle for the left wing to realize it has been had. Election reform is needed by both bases if they can expect to have their candidates to ever win again.The establishment may have pulled off one last victory, but as time goes on it will be clear what has happened.

Originally published 12/2/20

Friday, July 9, 2021

Democrat policies are destroying black community.



We continuously are told that the democrat party is best hope of improving the lives of the black community. They promise economic justice, equality, and now equality of result by any means possible. Black folks are being sold a fake narrative that is not going to improve their lives. It may be only a serious black leadership initiative that can save their future.

We have seen several years of protesting the police and demanding equal justice from the police and the judicial system. The answer has been to refuse to prosecute retail theft and other crimes in a token form of redistribution. It has now accelerated to the point that retail stores are being looted in the middle of the day and there is no fear of arrest or prosecution. They, in effect, have encouraged people to believe it is their right to take what they want without consequences. They are encouraging criminal behaviour.and the destruction of the future of young blacks.

The next result is going to be the closing of stores and the restriction of hours to the point that many communities will have a hard time finding the things they need. Of course, this will be labeled racist corporate behaviour. We can also expect to have some stores have security doors that are only going to be opened for customers that they know or deem safe. This will result in more cries of racism.

At the same time their policies are discouraging work in favor of government handouts. The problem is when the handouts disappear the jobs may have disappeared, particularly in their neighborhoods. They may not come back for generations, if ever.

We are also seeing an increase in drug use due to not being involved in meaningful work. We see violent crime increase to unheard of numbers, much of it being fueled by turf wars involving drug distribution. Many innocent members of these communities will be dying and suffering life altering injuries. It is unlikely that police are going to be willing to enter many parts of these inner cities. It will soon resemble cities in failed third world countries. With the chaos, will come a new exodus of those who can leave, a decline in tourism and investment and indeed a two America quality of life.

Many cities have not yet recovered from the Democrat encouraged chaos of the 1960's and now it may  indeed become a wasteland of poverty and early death.

Much of these polices were implemented to win an election, to remove an incumbent president who they labeled a racist. Particularly a president who was making inroads in the black vote, by offering economic opportunity in the cities and the lowest black unemployment rate in history. Instead of offering more opportunity, they offered more free handouts and dependence, dependence on the party that have encouraged the dissolution of the black family and stoked race baiting rhetoric for decades. 

At the same time they have attacked white citizens as the cause of their predicament and falsely promised that the behavior of white folks, just  pursuing the best interest of their families, is unjust, that they are all motivated by race and need to repent. They have now created the worst racial relations in the country since the civil war.

Eventually they will offer solutions to the the chaos they created. Massive redistribution of wealth, disarming the civilian population to make sure they are defenseless from their mob. Ultimately, a totalitarian socialist government and the end of this country as we know it. That seems to be the real goal.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Democrat's proposals will create more criminals



Image result for gated communities

Democrats proposals for addressing crime and gun deaths will undoubtedly create an increase in criminal activity and also create a large increases in potential citizens labeled as criminals.

1. All the Democratic candidates are for eliminating all jail time for non-violent crimes. Does this mean that thieves and burglars will no longer be taken out of society? What do they propose will keep the incidents of theft from sky-rocketing in the future? Are they suggesting that the law abiding will now be at the mercy of the criminals?

Many of these same democrats believe it should be illegal to use any deadly force in the protection of your property. So, if someone is stealing your car or other possessions you should just shut up and let them have it. If you interfere with force you will become a violent criminal to be sent to jail.

2. They also propose mandating that you hand in your firearms that are deemed by them to be unacceptable. They have yet to state how this would be enforced, because they have no idea how to enforce such a law. But you can bet that anyone who they can identify as not complying will now be a felon while not committing any act against anyone.

Their first proposal will undoubtedly increase the need for citizens to have the means to protect their property and lives from those who it seems will not be incarcerated in the future. Their second proposal will eliminate anyone's ability to defend their lives and property.

What penalty do they propose for those who commit non-violent crimes?

These are the same people who insult and humiliate the police to the point that many are no longer willing to enforce the law. Some mayors have even directed the police to not enforce minor lawbreaking.

It all smells like a forced plan of ultimate redistribution, If you like it, steal it, if you resist, go to jail.

Any attempt at taking firearms will be met with major non-compliance. People who up to now tried to live within the laws of society, will now be criminals. If people are viewed as criminals, then for some, all restraints are off  and there likely will be a lot of other laws that will be ignored.

For those of means it may be time to move to gated communities with electrified fences and patrolled perimeters, for others, they may have to prepare for their own protection.

All forms of banning have met with almost no compliance, it will likely get worse in the future. If our genius legislatures believe in not taking criminals out of society and as it seems the plan for the future is not to enforce any laws except those that are politically popular we can expect an increase in crime, violence and chaos.

originally published 9/16/19

Update: we see that Target and some other stores in California  have closed their stores or cut their hours due to problems with retail theft. Yesterday, Neiman Marcus in San Francisco was looted and ransacked in broad daylight by the mob.We see that many cities politicians have adopted a policy of not prosecuting anyone for thefts under $1000. It appears we that we are on a road to chaos and instability.

The New York governor has again focused on guns as the problem. Criminals are the problem, but it seems that is a large chunk of democrat political power. No bail, no prosecution, it is all intentional sowing the seeds of destruction.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Will this be the end of U.S. nation building?



As we leave Afghanistan, after a 20 year effort to transform the country into a democracy, the country is likely to revert back into an Islamic dictatorship ruled by the Taliban. The fact is, that democracy and self government cannot be built by outside forces. It must have the overwhelming support and desire of the population to be successful and that is often only achieved by a bloody fight. Middle east countries in particular with their history and culture are not good candidates for a self ruled government. After Trillions of dollars and thousands of lives it is unlikely that any lasting democracies will survive in the middle east.

While historically we can claim success in nation building in Germany, Japan and South Korea, the difference is that these countries embraced democratic self rule while some countries just don't seem to believe it will make a difference in their lives. We can consider Viet-Nam and all such Middle-east attempts as failures. We can support and assist nations who truly desire democracy, but it takes wisdom to know when it is appropriate. 

Germany was easy in that it had a successful industrial history, and religious and culture background similar to our own. Japan also had an advanced industrial society and was utterly defeated, the citizens of Japan loved Douglas MacArthur who oversaw the rebuilding of Japan. I was a remarkable success. 

Hopefully we will learn from our failures in the middle east. It is possible to have a reasonable relationship with the countries of the middle east as long as we respect their different forms of government and do not attempt to impose our way of life and lifestyle upon them. In most cases they are not a threat to us with possibly the exception of Iran, which is also opposed by many of the counties in the area.

The hope must be that the nations of the middle east will unify to insure peace in the area. That is possible and we can assist them in that endeavour as long as we respect their sovereignty. 

Iran is still a problem, in that they are not content to be left alone, but still desire an Islamic caliphate ruled by them. If we sustain our energy independence, we should be able to allow the nations in the region to work this all out by themselves with assistance and support, but not direct intervention. Only time will tell if we have the wisdom and good policy to make that a reality.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Are New York Dems rigging their primary?



Election officials in New York city have now announced that they made a mistake to the tune of 158,000 votes. It seems these were PRACTICE votes that were mistakenly counted. Opps, what exactly is a practice vote? Is that the votes for those who they really don't want to win. Anyway, it seems that the results of the June,22 primary will not be known for quite some time as they have yet to begin to count the absentee votes, which are estimated to be 250,000 and growing by the day.

New York has recently adopted the ranked vote system, which is so complicated and time consuming that results may not be known of many more weeks. This of course, gives time to count as many votes as needed to reach a predetermined result.

It seems there was disappointment that Eric Adams had gained the most votes, followed by Kathryn Garcia and then Maya Wiley, who is the favored candidate. All that needs to be done is to use the new math now taught in New York's schools and creative ballot harvesting and she can still be the winner. You can expect very little oversight from the state or the judicial system as it is corrupt as the City.

The democrats have self anointed themselves as the protectors of democracy. We have seen the results of their convoluted ideas on immigration, police reform, justice reform and now election reform. The result has been just more chaos and confusion. It is all likely intentional, but could be just incompetence.

I remember the good old days when the candidate with the most votes was the winner and it was determined usually within 1 day. Now, sadly, we see more accurate and trusted results from third world countries without technology and convoluted election systems. 

Simplicity is still the best word to judge honest elections. When you see chaos and confusion, you can bet foul play is at work.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Prosecutors who run for office promising political prosecutions should be disbarred.



The legal system in this country is now a train wreck. Much of the damage has been done by politically motivated prosecutors and judges who think that they can use their office to exact vengeance on perceived wrong doers. Sometimes it is just a politically motivated action to damage someone or to use them as an example to others not to challenge the existing order.  Two examples have been in the news this week.

The Montgomery county prosecutor Kevin Steele, pledged during his campign for the office in 2015 to reopen the prosecution of Bill Crosby. After his election he proceeded to honor his pledge even though a previous prosecutor had made a plea deal with Cosby to drop charges in exchange for testimony that resulted in financial settlements to the aggrieved victims. The previous prosecutor had decided there was not enough factual evidence for a conviction. The fact is without the testimony of Cosby in the Civil matter  there would not have been a case in the new criminal trial. While many feel that Cosby was guilty and  no such plea should disqualify the trial, the Legal system needs to be bound by their agreements. 

The other matter is the Attorney General of New York state, Letitia James,  who in her campaign pledged to get Donald Trump. She has been on a political investigation to find any violation by the Trump Company or its executives. All without any serious probable cause or complaint from anyone. It is a purely political persecution of the worst kind. It is an abuse of power which needs to be stopped in this country,

Their first attempt was to claim that the Trump organization under assessed their assets to save on property taxes. They also claim they inflated their assets values to acquire loans. This is an absurd accusation, as anyone who owns property knows, that the assessor for the government determines asset values and you have a right to appeal those decisions to get the best result.  As for inflating the value of assets to acquire loans, the bank or lending institution does not take anyone's word for a value but does the evaluation by their own personnel. It seems that never held any water so now they are attempting to claim that employees receive benefits that they did not pay taxes on. A company car, which many have as a benefit, especially if you need to drive to many meetings or other travel related to your office is often not taxable. There is also use of apartment's etc. It is just so much bullshit, just to go after someone who dared run for office without the permission of the ruling class.

So today, they filed criminal charges against the financial officer of the Trump organization. If there were any real irregularities, precedent is, that taxes and penalties are paid and that is the end of the matter. Of course,  years of investigations and teams of taxpayer funded investigators are on a political mission to damage Trump and anyone associated with him. I suspect this will end the same as all the rest of the political prosecutions, which are just a form of financial and emotional punishment and a warning to others. There should accountability and severe penalties for these types of injustices and abuse of power, but it is unlikely as long it results in political advantage.