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Friday, July 9, 2021

Democrat policies are destroying black community.



We continuously are told that the democrat party is best hope of improving the lives of the black community. They promise economic justice, equality, and now equality of result by any means possible. Black folks are being sold a fake narrative that is not going to improve their lives. It may be only a serious black leadership initiative that can save their future.

We have seen several years of protesting the police and demanding equal justice from the police and the judicial system. The answer has been to refuse to prosecute retail theft and other crimes in a token form of redistribution. It has now accelerated to the point that retail stores are being looted in the middle of the day and there is no fear of arrest or prosecution. They, in effect, have encouraged people to believe it is their right to take what they want without consequences. They are encouraging criminal behaviour.and the destruction of the future of young blacks.

The next result is going to be the closing of stores and the restriction of hours to the point that many communities will have a hard time finding the things they need. Of course, this will be labeled racist corporate behaviour. We can also expect to have some stores have security doors that are only going to be opened for customers that they know or deem safe. This will result in more cries of racism.

At the same time their policies are discouraging work in favor of government handouts. The problem is when the handouts disappear the jobs may have disappeared, particularly in their neighborhoods. They may not come back for generations, if ever.

We are also seeing an increase in drug use due to not being involved in meaningful work. We see violent crime increase to unheard of numbers, much of it being fueled by turf wars involving drug distribution. Many innocent members of these communities will be dying and suffering life altering injuries. It is unlikely that police are going to be willing to enter many parts of these inner cities. It will soon resemble cities in failed third world countries. With the chaos, will come a new exodus of those who can leave, a decline in tourism and investment and indeed a two America quality of life.

Many cities have not yet recovered from the Democrat encouraged chaos of the 1960's and now it may  indeed become a wasteland of poverty and early death.

Much of these polices were implemented to win an election, to remove an incumbent president who they labeled a racist. Particularly a president who was making inroads in the black vote, by offering economic opportunity in the cities and the lowest black unemployment rate in history. Instead of offering more opportunity, they offered more free handouts and dependence, dependence on the party that have encouraged the dissolution of the black family and stoked race baiting rhetoric for decades. 

At the same time they have attacked white citizens as the cause of their predicament and falsely promised that the behavior of white folks, just  pursuing the best interest of their families, is unjust, that they are all motivated by race and need to repent. They have now created the worst racial relations in the country since the civil war.

Eventually they will offer solutions to the the chaos they created. Massive redistribution of wealth, disarming the civilian population to make sure they are defenseless from their mob. Ultimately, a totalitarian socialist government and the end of this country as we know it. That seems to be the real goal.

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