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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Will this be the end of U.S. nation building?



As we leave Afghanistan, after a 20 year effort to transform the country into a democracy, the country is likely to revert back into an Islamic dictatorship ruled by the Taliban. The fact is, that democracy and self government cannot be built by outside forces. It must have the overwhelming support and desire of the population to be successful and that is often only achieved by a bloody fight. Middle east countries in particular with their history and culture are not good candidates for a self ruled government. After Trillions of dollars and thousands of lives it is unlikely that any lasting democracies will survive in the middle east.

While historically we can claim success in nation building in Germany, Japan and South Korea, the difference is that these countries embraced democratic self rule while some countries just don't seem to believe it will make a difference in their lives. We can consider Viet-Nam and all such Middle-east attempts as failures. We can support and assist nations who truly desire democracy, but it takes wisdom to know when it is appropriate. 

Germany was easy in that it had a successful industrial history, and religious and culture background similar to our own. Japan also had an advanced industrial society and was utterly defeated, the citizens of Japan loved Douglas MacArthur who oversaw the rebuilding of Japan. I was a remarkable success. 

Hopefully we will learn from our failures in the middle east. It is possible to have a reasonable relationship with the countries of the middle east as long as we respect their different forms of government and do not attempt to impose our way of life and lifestyle upon them. In most cases they are not a threat to us with possibly the exception of Iran, which is also opposed by many of the counties in the area.

The hope must be that the nations of the middle east will unify to insure peace in the area. That is possible and we can assist them in that endeavour as long as we respect their sovereignty. 

Iran is still a problem, in that they are not content to be left alone, but still desire an Islamic caliphate ruled by them. If we sustain our energy independence, we should be able to allow the nations in the region to work this all out by themselves with assistance and support, but not direct intervention. Only time will tell if we have the wisdom and good policy to make that a reality.


  1. Afghanistan will always remain the 'Boneyard of Empires' . Get out and don't look back

  2. Its July 6th and there ain't no winner in the NYC Mayors election


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