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Friday, July 2, 2021

Are New York Dems rigging their primary?



Election officials in New York city have now announced that they made a mistake to the tune of 158,000 votes. It seems these were PRACTICE votes that were mistakenly counted. Opps, what exactly is a practice vote? Is that the votes for those who they really don't want to win. Anyway, it seems that the results of the June,22 primary will not be known for quite some time as they have yet to begin to count the absentee votes, which are estimated to be 250,000 and growing by the day.

New York has recently adopted the ranked vote system, which is so complicated and time consuming that results may not be known of many more weeks. This of course, gives time to count as many votes as needed to reach a predetermined result.

It seems there was disappointment that Eric Adams had gained the most votes, followed by Kathryn Garcia and then Maya Wiley, who is the favored candidate. All that needs to be done is to use the new math now taught in New York's schools and creative ballot harvesting and she can still be the winner. You can expect very little oversight from the state or the judicial system as it is corrupt as the City.

The democrats have self anointed themselves as the protectors of democracy. We have seen the results of their convoluted ideas on immigration, police reform, justice reform and now election reform. The result has been just more chaos and confusion. It is all likely intentional, but could be just incompetence.

I remember the good old days when the candidate with the most votes was the winner and it was determined usually within 1 day. Now, sadly, we see more accurate and trusted results from third world countries without technology and convoluted election systems. 

Simplicity is still the best word to judge honest elections. When you see chaos and confusion, you can bet foul play is at work.

1 comment:

  1. After 7 years of Mayor Deblasio appointing NYC political appointees, Who would expect anything else ! Give Biden.Harris, Schummer and Pelosi more time and They will end Presidential and Congressional elections


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