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Friday, July 23, 2021

More Democrat covid and Immigration Hypocrisy.



Again,we hear talk of lockdowns, travel restrictions, mask mandates and demonization of anyone who is uncomfortable getting their children vaccinated with an experimental vaccine. If you are part of the vulnerable population, the risk/reward is to get vaccinated, but to pre-judge those who may have health conditions or are not in a serious risk group is again more hypocrisy.

These vaccines have not yet been approved for anyone under 13. There have been a certain percentage of young adults who have had some serious complications from the vaccines. No one has yet calculated the risk/ reward statistics for anyone to make sound judgement for young people. It is easy for bureaucrats to say that the risk reward for the entire population is acceptable. Sounds good, but as a parent your responsibility is first to your children, who depend on you to make sound judgements with their lives.   

Then again, we have recently had over a million illegal immigrants come into the country, they are being bused all over these 50 states by the federal government. Are all these people being vaccinated? Have all these people been quarantined and tested for covid or any other communicable disease? Can they refuse  testing and vaccinations? I would wager they are not tested or vaccinated, but their purpose here is more important in the big picture. And these are the illegal immigrants who entered and have been counted, then there is likely double this amount who have not been counted or interacted with authorities. 

Then there is the question of refugee status, Biden officials made it very clear that no Cubans are to be considered for refugee status. After all, Cubans have lived under the type of government his party espouses and if they want to leave,  they may not be good democrats.

Then there is the unstable and continuing persecution of the white minority population of South Africa. Many have been murdered and their land confiscated. I have yet to hear any democrat renounce the atrocities in that country or hold out a welcome hand to the persecuted population. I suspect you will never hear them mentioned or offered refugee status.

So, many question pronouncements from the administration or government agencies. Every word and every pronouncement is judged by one goal. Does it increase, solidify and make their power permanent and irrefutable? Under those conditions, everyone, must think and act in their and families own best interest.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched a Doctor on MSNBC state the vaccines don't prevent Covid but the vaccines lessen the effects of Covid


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