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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Is Ukraine fading as a priority for the West.



Lately, it has become obvious that the coverage of the Ukraine war has begun to fade from the American media. Is it just a product of a short attention span or has this war and its sanctions just created bigger issues to be monitored?

Inflation, much of it due to the sanctions in opposition of the war are now imbedded into most economies and will not recede in the near future. 

Then there is gun control, always a media priority and the need to make inroads while the emotions are high. You can bet it will be number one for the next few weeks.

Then there is the midterm elections which will need to be increasingly the focus of the media, after all, democracy itself is at stake. 

Now that the Ukraine war is entering its 4th month, I believe far longer than many expected, it has lost its initial appeal. The repercussions of this war are going to affect the world economy and except for the arms manufacturers it will not be a positive effect. 

Then at the moment the Russians are slowly advancing, wearing down the Ukrainians, both in supplies and morale. It is now a question if more weapons and support will be able to stall, not even think about an expulsion of the Russians. The Russians are setting up administrative forces and it appears they have no intention of giving up any territory they have occupied.

Sanctions have not encouraged the Russians to give up on this operation and more sanctions seem to be a double edged sword for all. If this conflict continues into the fall the world may very well experience fuel and food shortages around the world. It could actually have very serious consequences for many of those highly indebted nations.

While many will want to double down and increase the intensity of the conflict, others still talk of negotiations, sadly the time for negotiations was 4 months ago and may not yet be ripe for meaningful results. It may now be the case of winners and losers. The losers must desire an end to the conflict.

This whole debacle has been another dismal failure of our state department, who has insisted on containing and encircling Russia as our national policy. It has produced the destruction of Ukraine for decades to come. It has placed the world in a precarious position concerning food and energy. It has divided the world into 2 seperate spheres of influence and the lasting results are not even calculable.

One thing is for sure, they will never admit their failure, just has they yet to admit to the death and destruction resulting from their decisions in the last decades.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Gun owners and the NRA are not responsible for criminals.



The Media and the Democrat activists are on a mission to connect the outrageous shooting in Texas at the feet of the NRA and gun owners. Sorry, I feel no guilt for the actions of the irresponsible, insane or just plain criminals. It also should just strengthen the resolve of all gun owners to resist the attempts of the leftists to disarm the civilian population.

While they seek to label the NRA and gun owners as the cause of the violent perpetrators in this society, it is them who should bear the guilt for their soft approach on violent offenders, their support of those who resist the lawful actions of the police and their constant attempt to weaken society through their social policies.

Then of course, they rush out their plan to register all guns and gun owners in a federal government database. Make no mistake, whenever they call for background checks on all gun sales, including family members and private individuals, that is the ultimate goal.

Not one of their proposals would have stopped any of the mass shooting in the last 2 decades. It would have not stopped the shooting in Texas, yet they immediately call for this plan everytime. It is registration by another name and it historically has led to gun confiscation everytime. Whether Nazi Germany, or recently in Australia. 

They also attempt to label their proposals gun safety, rather than gun control, another orwellian word play.

Whenever there have been gun laws that required the Federal or State authorities to destroy the information gathered for background checks in a timely matter, they have consistently disobeyed that part of the law. This has been true of the 1994 law in Pennsylvania and also the Brady law. They have refused to obey the law in an attempt to enter all gun owners and guns into some database.

Just yesterday, the New York Times published a story about the secret agenda of the federal 
government to prepare for a national emergency. This was started during the Bush administration and is now accelerating under the Biden administration. While they did not mention guns in this article, they did claim that there is a plan to suspend all communications, to declare martial law and suspend all constitutional rights. Does anyone doubt it requires the confiscation of firearms, just at a time when we would need them most. There has been no input by congress in this plan.

The objective of the gun safety/gun control crowd has always been disarmament of the civilian population. An impossibility and blatantly unconstitutional, something that will always be resisted and rejected by a large segment of this population.

Violence is a social problem, guns are inanimate objects that need a willful human operator, just like hammers, autos, gasoline, baseball bats and kitchen knives. Rather than deal with the result of 60 years of social experimentation by politicians who are not even sure what is the difference between a man and a women, they feel they must "do something" in an attempt to make some symbolic gestures rather than consider that the whole society is on the wrong track. A society without historical standards, morals or personal responsibility. All looking to government to protect and provide. A totally false and failed social experiment.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Biden immigration policy: let as many in as possible .



While many decry the lack of control of our border as just incompetence it is in fact the plan of this administration even before the inauguration. 

The word was put out by the Non-government organizations to let it be known to all, that the U.S. border will be open to all comers. Just set foot on U.S, soil and you are here to stay. It is not an accident, not a incompetence, it is the plan, pure and simple. It seems it is just part of the plan to maintain and hold power by the democrat party.

It is a cynical plan to stress the social fabric of the nation, create chaos and disorder and thereby require more government spending, more dependent citizens and a hoped for new group of democrat voters.

I guess this plan was trial tested in California, a state with a history of being a so called purple state that is today almost completely governed by democrat politicians. A state were elections continue to be counted for weeks and months after the fact. Where dependency is encouraged, all in the quest for total democrat rule. It has been successful in making the beautiful state of California a state with homeless by the thousands camped out all over their cities, high levels of drug and alcohol dependency and a widening income gap across the state. With unsanitary and dangerous situations in all their cities. Chaos is good business for democrats, they will supply the funding and solutions to keep the chaos going.

So it seems that is the plan for the rest of the country, allow as many immigrants into the country as possible, many without skills and education to be successful in this country, many single mothers with children, most to have a future of dependency and a vote for the democrats in the future. Promising a laundry list of benefits not possible in their home country. 

If you watch and listen you  hear the democrats speak of more money for the border, not for security of the border, but to process and relocate these masses as quickly as possible. Much of the money is being distributed to Non-government organizations which will arrange shipping them all across the country. Are they also instructing them on voting and possibly even registering them, as they target those swing districts across the whole country? You can bet this Department of Justice, Homeland Security and FBI are much too busy investigating political opponents than to get involved in this trivia.

It is a fact that they are involved in treasonous activity to destroy the stability of this country, in a hope to increase and maintain their political power.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

School shooting, opportunity for real solutions or political advantage?



Another assault on the children of America. Another event revealing the helplessness and frustration of not being able to stop such events. Hopefully a moment of unity in finding some hope in moving in a direction to lessen the possibility of these tragedies. Hopefully not to be another opportunity of political advantage in an election year.

The most immediate possibility is enhanced school security. Any school that has become lax in their school security plan should be stimulated to upgrade and enhance school security. This is the most immediate and least controversial approach to protecting children from the deranged violent attacker. 

Any attempt to make this into a political tool to move toward gun registration, which is the ultimate objective of the left in this country, will just distract from any real solutions.

After security, we need to take a close look at the social environment in this country. Self discipline is what makes a truly safe and stable society. 

So much effort is being made to undermine the basic social structure, particularly the family. So much effort to divide for political gain. So much effort to encourage feelings of fear and a dismal future.

An assault on faith that is the ultimate source of hope for those with feelings of hopelessness.

A reliance on legislation to fix every problem. Laws only punish the wrongdoer, never really stop lawbreaking.

A reexamination of the priorities in our country. What gives people people a feeling of accomplishment and well being? The source for well adjusted children is the family, a stable family will most likely produce stable children. A family is the closest witness to these problems and in best position to address depression and despair.

Media of all types, from movies to video games is full of death and destruction. Bloody violence is the overwhelming theme. These are not so subtle messages that this is how the world is expected to be. While we are willing to scrutinize every word, we have refused to demand less violence in entertainment.

We need to look as a  society to encourage family, encourage a positive view of the future, a future of hope rather than a future wrought with despair. Ultimately our problems are societal rather than a lack of  legislation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Biden energy policy not a mistake.



This week a majority of Americans polled believe that this administration is just incompetent. While that may be true, when it comes to energy this is their plan and has been their plan for over a decade. Below are a few quotes from Barack Obama from 2008.

 "Under my plan...electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Energy Secretary Steven Chu's famed call to " figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels of Europe"

Obama, "If somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged for all the greenhouses gases they emit"

These are just some of the quotes that revealed their energy policy of the future. Their plan has always been to force people off fossil fuels by raising the cost above affordability. We are not seeing a mistake from incompetence, but a calculated, intentional plan that never allowed for a replacement energy source before lowering dependence on fossil fuels. This is a mistake because it will lower the standard of living for all Americans and devastate the lower rungs of the economy.

Their intentional policy is a mistake, but they are implementing it on purpose.

The Biden team is the Obama team.

Their delusional ideology has never accounted for the human suffering that will be caused by their plan. Never accounted for the increase in prices of every commodity, never accounted for the future food shortages. All they focused on was a quick exit from fossil fuels without any serious replacement.

We can lower our dependence on fossil fuels, but a serious replacement must be put into place first. Solar panels and windmills are never going to provide that replacement.

Bidens spokesman as much as admitted this strategy this weekend when he claimed this is a transition period and that eventually everything will return to normal. It will likely take decades with this plan. How many lives will be ruined during this transition.

Natural gas has now tripled in price, Gasoline and and diesel over 50%. Expect to see a doubling of electric rates. Food shortages are very possible by fall.

This is what happens when we elect politicians who may be educated but have no experience with what it takes to provide food and energy to a huge population. They have no common sense, because they have spent their life dealing with utopian theories. They have never understood what a wonderful distribution system we have built in this country. They are destroying it all in months.

They are not able to comprehend the results of their short sighted plans. If allowed, they will cause a catastrophic result for us all.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Biden ready to take on China?



This weekend, Biden stumbled into making a commitment to defend Taiwan militarily. While to some it may seem it is the right course to make China realize taking over Taiwan will be very costly, it may not get the response that they want. Dealing with China requires a far different approach due to their different cultural view of the world. China may already view the United States as an adversarial nation and now they may believe it may be time to up the ante to show the United States just how dependent we are on China.

While we threaten to ostracize and marginalize China economically, similar to what is happening to Russia, it is an empty threat. The world is now dependent on China for most all of their essential materials. While Trump made steps in steel, and aluminum and other basic materials those initiatives have quickly disappeared due to large profits by international corporations on Chinese manufacturing dominance.

I suspect that China is quietly already limiting their exports of essential supplies to the United States. Even covid tests are made in China as are most ingredients for drugs, not to mention solar panels and basic metals for manufacturing. Did anyone inquire if the ingredients for baby formula are made in China? Tires and many auto parts are either partly or entirely made in China or their basic components. Can we replace all the military equipment stripped from our stockpiles for Ukraine without components from China?

So any threat to China may very well be the catalyst for China to increase its strategy of denying the rest of the world its supply of essential components. Much like are relationship with Russia we are already in an economic and verbal war with China.

While spin and media cover-ups can limit the damage that this administration is doing to domestic stability, blunders with the rest of the world will have long term negative consequences.

There was a positive possibility with a compromise with Russia. Russia's proposals were reasonable and understandable, but we seem to all have accepted the narrative that Putin wants to remake the old Soviet Union or conquer the world, but it was a false narrative. The world is now suffering the consequences of delusional officials in this country who believe they can rule the world.

Now, we are making a similar mistake with China, rather than engagement and demanding fair and equitable trade practices, we are threatening military force with a country we can never successfully defeat without plunging the whole world into the dark ages. If we made a serious decision to become manufacturing independent it would take decades to accomplish and a real change in our regulations.

There was an opportunity for real diplomats to make significant deals with both Russia and China, but it is likely that time has passed. Will the world as we know it, survive this administration?

Friday, May 20, 2022

Government manipulation of interest and real estate prices



It seems that the nation has never really recovered from the mortgage debt crisis of 2008. In fact, the efforts of the Federal reserve to paper over and stimulate markets to give the appearance that all is well has just set the world up for the next economic crisis.

Consider that the Federal Reserve has artificially manipulated interest rates for the past 15 years to keep the economy going. Denying savers of any return on their savings and inflating the value of paper assets and real estate. At the time Ben Bernanke, the head of the Federal Reserve stated that the only cure for the mortgage crisis was to increase real estate price to stop the bleeding. 

Remember that the original crisis was crated by government pressure to loan mortgage money to buyers who really did not have the ability to repay the loans. Government interference in the markets always creates disaster.

While driving interest rates, down they have also bought over $5.7 Trillion in Treasury debt and they also have purchased $2.7 Trillion in Mortgage debt and real estate investment trusts. This is called quantitative easing, a fancy word for government propping up treasury debt and stimulating real estate prices.

This, coupled with the Biden administrations energy policy and near $9 Trillion in domestic spending has exploded into an inflation that will not be easily tamed. The federal reserve is now in a position that raising interest rates will create a bust on many fronts at once. It is a fact that they are way behind the curve on raising rates to tame inflation. One problem is that increasing rates will cool the appetite for home buying, which may put lots of buyers underwater and the inflation will stretch already tight budgets. Real estate can only soon be going in one direction, down.

Then of course the cost of servicing the federal debt, which is increasing by the day, with giveaways both at home and around the world will become untenable. It is likely that the interest on the debt will soon be a 1/3 of the budget.

The Federal Reserve also claims that will be lowering their balance sheet of these assets that will also cause a raise in interest rates and affect debt activity. All these factors are a result of government manipulation to sustain good times without washing out malinvestment.

A free market will make excessive and speculative investment a dangerous practice, as the market will correct, wipe out these excesses all by itself, which is a great learning experience that debt has consequences and excess debt and speculation has disastrous consequences. This is as it should be.

Government manipulation and intervention has just prolonged and magnified the problems that will be paid for one way or another. Rather than a correction that will restore stability, it will make the problem much worse.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Election reform needed before general election.



Again, the results of the election on Tuesday are still not clear. Most of the problems are associated with mail in ballots. Are they filled out and submitted correctly? Will this again be decided by a judge who will change the rules to allow ballots that have not been dated, signed or filled out properly? Are they again going to allow ballots that came in after the deadline?

This problem needs to be corrected before the general election. While a primary is an important event it does not compare to what is going to happen in November. This can be fixed and it is in the best interest of the state and everyone to have confidence in the election process. Any delay in a result gives the impression and also gives opportunity for abuse. We hear a lot about preserving democracy, this is the most important way to preserve democracy.

Either get rid of mail-in ballots or fix the problems. If they are not in by the deadline they are void, no matter what? They should consider the deadline to be by the Saturday before the election, then they can be examined and sorted before the actual count. Mail-in ballot counting could start on election day morning. This could be done by volunteers of both parties working together with clear guidelines. This counting cannot be done by one party officials particularly in the large urban districts.

It seems that the voters will need to demand accountability from their elected officials to fix these problems starting right now, or our election system is going to look inferior to most third world countries.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The greatest bubble mania in world history.



Image result for money

History has passed down accounts of many speculative bubbles. The most famous was the European Tulip speculation of the 1630's which reached a peak in 1837 when a single rare tulip bulb brought 10 times the annual wage of a skilled craftsman. 

There was also a speculative bubble in White Pine boards and Maine timber land in the 1830's, It was instrumental in contributing to the panic of 1837.

The common denominator in much of this was the debasement of the coinage in Europe in early 1600's. There was also the presence of futures market. This allowed prices to increase without the actual payment and sometime the taking possession of the Tulip bulbs. This was also the case in the 1830's in the U.S., much of the speculation was with borrowed money which let to the failure of numerous banks.

Bitcoin was started in 2011 at price market price of .008 cents. in one year it increased to $31.00, one year later had dropped to $2.00. It has been a very volatile market, but yesterday it was valued at $17,000. Bitcoin was designed to have a fixed number of coins created to compete with traditional money whose supply is continually expanded and thereby devalued. This is supposed to be a competitor to gold which is heavy and cumbersome and not accepted in everyday transactions. As of now Bitcoin is only accepted by a limited number of transactions, but has been gaining acceptance. This week a fledgling futures market has been created to trade bitcoins.

When the tulip market collapsed owners still had some tulips. As in other speculative bubbles, you still had the gold, silver or  lumber or real estate. Bitcoin has no intrinsic value at all. Only the hope that someone will accept it for a product or that it will increase in value. How anyone can speculate on this is beyond me. I am old fashioned, things of value must have some substance, some physical value. I still don't understand how some internet companies with very little profit or physical assets can be valued more than a company like Exon-Mobile. I personally do not have a lot of faith in unbacked fiat currencies supplied most nations.

All governments now embrace currencies that have no real backing. This is convenient for them to run budget deficits and tax the citizens by devaluing the currency which has now become an instrument of debt of the government rather than an asset. In the U.S.this started in the 1930's and became complete in 1969. It has now taught generations that money is nothing more than a hope for the future rather than a real asset and has set the stage for the thinking that has allowed Bitcoin to be a reality.

Please look at the article, " A brief History of Money" from 10/12/2015

Originally posted 12/13/2017

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

WW3 about to heat up?



With the possibility of Finland and Sweden joining NATO and the U.S. about to send $40 billion in aid to Ukraine it is clear that we are now in the early stages of a hot WW3. While we have been in a low grade economic and political war with the Russian federation for near 15 years it is about to reach some sort of defining moment.

We have seen the world beginning to form alignments in most every corner of the world. There is pressure being exerted on every nation to take sides in this escalating conflict. While some wish to remain neutral and not be drawn into this conflict it is beginning to appear that there is no turning back. This conflict is about to become more deadly in the near future and it appears there is no desire for any way out.

Any hot war with NATO or the U.S. will inevitably lead to a worldwide depression. It will also be an opportunity for long standing grievances to be settled or attempt to be settled in other parts of the world.

It is unlikely that Russia can be defeated and forced out of Ukraine by conventional forces. It has been made clear from the U.S. administration that their goal is the defeat of Russia and the removal of Putin as president. It is the regime change that has long been hoped for by this government. 

It is very unlikely that Russia will just fold up and return to its previous borders. It is clear that Russia already considers that it is in WW3 and that their very existence is being threatened. The U.S. state department would like nothing better than the elimination of Russia as a world power and the dismemberment of Russia. It could be the final act to usher in a new world global government.

Can an all out War with Russia be contained to Europe or will it inevitably become truly a World War?

Does the U.S. have the defensive ability to protect the homeland from a nuclear attack? 

Are there satellites now in space containing nuclear weapons that could wipe out our communications in an instant?

Do we have defenses to protect from Hypersonic submarine launched nuclear cruise missiles, that could have only minutes of flight time?

Is it time to start preparing the civilian population of the possibility of nuclear war? Or is the world now on a rail of delusion that cannot be altered or stopped?

While it seems the experts believe there's is a possibility of the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, they dismiss a massive preemptive attack as unreasonable. World Wars have never been commenced with reasonable acts.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Division; a deadly political strategy



Everyone is horrified when we see the death and maiming of innocent people. It is no longer a surprise that it has become more common in today's America and also in other parts of the world. It is without a doubt a result of the constant attempt to divide and alienate one segment of society from another for political advantage.

Rich vs poor, black vs white, women vs men, christian vs non-christian. It has always been a political strategy to some extent, but took on an extreme escalation under the Obama administration with an open strategy of motivating minority voters to turn out to vote with a continuous message of oppression by the police and white society. We had an endless show with media collaboration to increase  resentment and justify rioting and looting because of perceived injustices. It has had a devastating effect on urban centers as the crime, poverty and alienation has gotten out of all control.The reaction of fear from the rest of society has increased the polarization of the city vs suburban and rural which is continuing at a rapid pace.

Race relations while continuously being touted  have taken a huge step backwards. There is more suspicion and apprehension between the other races and religions than ever before. It is considered opportunity for the political opportunists. Is not apparent that the incidents of racial and other division is most apparent during the election season?

Of course, both sides will blame the other side for all this division. Parents who come out to voice their concern about racial teachings in school are labeled white supremacists and domestic terrorists. Protestors on the right are labeled insurrectionists while on the left they are peaceful protesters with legitimate grievance. If you continue to label disent with drastic labels, some will actually fulfill the identity you label them with. Just another political opportunity.

It is all about maintaining political power by any means necessary. Power of the ruling class over the people, power over the economic wealth of the nations. Promise to increase the wealth of some by extracting it from others, rather than increase opportunity and prosperity for all. After all, if everyone enjoyed opportunity and were prospering, what would happen to political opportunity and leverage to motivate the voters.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Are Wage and Price controls next?



Yesterday, the Biden administration announced that the FBI and the Department of Justice will be investigating price gouging by business. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have stated that inflation is a result of greed by American companies. Not one word about the policies of this administration that were put in motion on the first day of their reign. The attack on the ability of the energy companies to produce energy was the impetus for the beginning of this inflation cycle. Rising prices on everything is a result of  increased costs of production and transportation. 

Socialists are either so out of touch with the realities of basic economics or they just want an excuse to exert more government control of everything. Will they go down the road of wage and price controls, the pattern that is often used when totalitarian governments policies have negative effects? The answer is never to make conditions better for more economic production, but rather the bayonet.

It is doubtful that they will target wage increases as they may very likely tout this as some positive result of their policies. Wage increases, which have been substantial, even though they still do not offset the increase costs of all basic necessities. Wage increases that are the result of their policies that discourage work in favor of dependence on government benefits.

So it seems they have decided to target business and they will become the arbiter of what is a reasonable price or profit. Does anyone doubt that they will focus on any business that is considered not a political ally of this administration? The end result of every attempt at government price controls is always massive shortages. While they may be able to demand that prices stay at a level they approve of, they cannot make production happen if there is no profit motive. It will most likely just increase and accelerate the cost of most goods.

They will have little effect on imported goods, they cannot control the price of imported goods. They have little ability to control the price of services. They will be left attempting to control the price of domestic production thereby decreasing the incentive to produce more goods or energy. 

It is likely that this is just a strategy to damage their political enemies. Will you see any attempt to limit Union pay raises? We can expect that the target is going to be energy and food producers, the two sectors that this government lusts to have more control over. They will be the villain and we may even hear calls for government takeover to solve their self created problem. Of course, they will get support from their media allies.

In one year we have seen a stable and reliable economic situation turn into chaos. While there were disruptions in the first year of the pandemic it did not translate into the labor crisis until the massive increase of government subsides and huge increase in spending. Business, particularly small business has been severally damaged by closures, masks etc and now they are going to be the target of more government. It likely that more government will make a bad situation worse.

Originally published 2/18/2022


Thursday, May 12, 2022

Abortion, Laws around the world.



It is interesting to see that abortion laws vary significantly around the world. Most all have some restrictions, often at 15 weeks. The United States is not alone in this debate and it seems the laws have been reformed as viability has become possible at a lower gestational time. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Constitutional amendment only legitimate way to make abortion national law.



Today the senate is attempting to make abortion a national law. Of course, we know it is a political test in this election year. Schumer knows, or at least we would hope that he knows, any such law passed by congress is unconstitutional. There is no provision in the constitution for congress to make laws concerning this matter. 

There is only one way to make abortion the law for the whole nation and that is to pass a constitutional amendment, which would need to be passed by 2/3 of the states. In the past to actually achieve the popular support for such an amendment takes a lot of time and effort. Woman suffrage took years to convince the majority of the country that it should be enacted. Slavery was enacted after the civil war. Prohibition of alcohol was outlawed and later repealed by a constitutional amendment.

The proper way to make major changes is with the consent of the american people. If after some time of experimentation by the states the people can be convinced it is the nations best interest, then a constitutional amendment would be possible.

It is the proper way, and any attempt to shortcut this process results in disunity, animosity and a general unhealthy result for the nation as a whole.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Ah! Spring in an election year, Daffodils and brown shirts.



It has now been 10 years since the death of Trayvon Martin and the inaugural event in the opening of election season. It has now become a predictable tactic by the democrat party. The target has been mostly white males, police, the justice system and now the Supreme Court. Then of course we can also expect the hype about the virus which is also heating up, will it require more election changes to make it easier to rig the next election?

In 2020 the George Floyd death was the mantra that escalated into a national movement from the coordinated drumbeat by the Democrats, their brown shirts, Black Lives Matter and Antifa and their co-conspirators the national media. It created a constant summer and fall of rioting, looting and destruction in the hope of stimulating racial minority voters to come out and vote. One would expect that the public may have gotten burned out with that approach. It seems it is the same brown shirts as last season but just different signs and locations. 

While we are constantly reminded that we need to protect democracy, we can see it anything but democracy, it is intimidation by causing fear of actually engaging in democracy. This latest outrage, a supreme court ruling that will send this issue back to the states to decide, is the ultimate test of democracy. It may require more voting and more engaging in democracy but the states are closer to democracy than any supreme court ruling by 9 justices.

It is clear what these brown shirts want is authoritarian central or federal government. It has always been the goal of brown shirts to encourage more government control. As long as it is enforcing their idea of how the government should rule, the exact opposite of democracy.

We can again expect to see Covid be a player in this election. Will we need proof of vaccination to vote, or will we need to have internet voting to be safe? If they can get away with it, they will. 

It it so hypocritical when we hear, "my body my choice" when another life is involved, but it is many of the same people who believe you should not be part of society if you refuse to be injected with a foreign substance. Just their body, not yours.


Monday, May 9, 2022

Polish President hopes to incorporate Ukraine into Poland



Last week the Polish President Duda gave a speech proposing that Ukraine and Poland could eliminate their borders and become one nation. I have yet to see a reaction from Ukraine, or is this just a trial balloon to gauge the public reaction? Is this an attempt to have Ukraine become part of NATO without a member vote?

At some time this conflict will at least come to some kind of a conclusion or at least become a low intensity conflict. It is very likely that the Russian federation is going to annex some parts of Ukraine. It will also be a challenge to the world on how to normalize a post Ukraine war. It seems many bridges have now been burned to a peaceful cooperation going forward.  

As for Ukraine, any attempt of some incorporation into Poland will certainly result in a negative reaction from the nationalist segments of the country. In fact, the nationalist faction is probably who is doing most of the fighting now and will expect to be in a strong political position in the future. 

While most of the parties that represented this faction have been banned by the current government, that will be a very strong dispute in the future. I would expect they will have strong public support in the future. In fact, they may expect to be the majority and controlling party in the future.

There have been reports of much of the massive arms being supplied to Ukraine being unaccounted for. Are they being stockpiled for the inevitable conflict for political power after cessation of hostilities with the Russians? It is not unusual for all the political animosities that are put on hold during a war to surface when the conflict is over.

Hopefully this conflict will soon be concluded and hopefully Ukraine can be rebuilt to some extent to live a normal life. It may be moving from one peril to another that could be just as catastrophic.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Biden claims MAGA supporters the most radical of all time.



Joe Biden believes those who support the "Make America Great Again" agenda are the most radical of all time. It is just another indication that this president is the most out of touch of all time. His administration's policies can only lead to chaos and destruction, not only at home but worldwide. Of course, this bunch still believes they can form this perception over the facts.

Immigration: This administration is only concerned with processing as many immigrants into the country in the shortest amount of time. They are willing to give all the benefits of citizenship to anyone who can cross the border. The most radical immigrant policy of all time. MAGA policy advocates a limited and controlled immigration into the country.

Education: This administration has mostly shelved traditional education of reading, writing and math in favor of social revolution and indoctrination. Focusing on encouraging guilt of white students. embracing the indoctrination of kindergarteners about sexual preferences and sexual identity. In collaboration with the National teachers unions, they are in fact destroying support for public education. MAGA believes in offering education that will enable students to be prosperous and a positive benefit to society rather than future political activist.

Economy: This administration has made energy scarce and expensive in their quest to in effect take government control of all energy. They have set off an inflation spiral that will destroy the savings and pensions of most Americans. It seems they hope to make all Americans dependent on government programs in one way or another. We continue to have the lowest labor participation rate causing shortages and also increasing inflation. Most brought about by making it easier to rely on government programs rather than work. MAGA believes America is strong when opportunity is made to make Americans independent and prosperous without government dependence. That American self reliance allows us to be free from foreign leverage.

Free speech: This administration believes the government should decide what is true and what is false and punish and cancel anyone who does not support the government endorsed propaganda. They have entered into a fascist type collaboration with media and business to enforce their agenda. MAGA believes all Americans can voice their opinion and it is up to fellow Americans to decide what is the truth.

Justice system: This administration has demonstrated that their number one focus is using the legal system to punish and silence their opposition. The hallmarks of a fascist authoritarian government. At  the same time have mostly allowed the lawless behaviour of looters and thieves to take over and destroy business in the major cities. To no longer enforce the laws on the books and encourage lawlessness  as a way to bring about "Social Justice" MAGA believes a stable society can only continue with people to be free from violence and security for their property. 

I could gon and on, but it is disgusting to see the president of this country go out and condemn those who desire a stable, prosperous and independent existence for all it citizens to be labeled with what really describes their own administration and it supporters. 

This administration is without a doubt the most radical and extreme administration in the history of this country. This president is either a liar or the most incompetent and out of touch president of all time.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

"Disinformation governance board", They have to be kidding.



We now see that the left's hysteria over Elon Musk buying twitter has now caused a ridiculous overreaction.This can only illustrate this administrations obsession with silencing opposing views. While up to now they have relied on the collaborative media to do its dirty work, now they want to make it a government run operation. Can we all see what a target this new government department will be, it will assuredly be the biggest source of misinformation we have ever seen.

It seems it is becoming harder to silence opposing opinions. The media continues to try to distort the truth. mostly by taking things out of context or leaving out certain words in an attempt to demonize the opposition. It seems it is less and less effective. I suppose that is why the powers that be believe that a new government agency is needed. Do they really believe that the governments stamp of approval or disapproval will ensure truth or convince anyone what is the truth. It is actually laughable. Their imprimatur will actually be a red flag for much of America.

There are many reasons why this not happen. Number one they need to get this by congress, which are already gearing up to deny funding and approval. 

Second does the administration think it has the power to create such an agency?

Third, it will be welcomed by lawsuits filed from every corner of the country. You do not have to be constitutional scholar to understand that this would likely be a 9-0 negative opinion by the court.

This idea should die with a unanimous round of laughter and derision. The authors should be looked at skeptically to qualify to occupy any office this country.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Abortion, women vs women



We are continually told that women are all in favor of unrestricted abortion. This is the narrative we have been bombarded with for decades. It is really just another propaganda lie. The most vehement activists in the anti-abortion movement has been women, women who mostly are mothers and have experienced that bond with their babies that only women can experience. Women who agonize at the thought of a baby being killed. It seems many women today would be more upset if their dog was hit by a car. 

While the narrative has been that it is men who oppose abortion in their quest to subjugate women, it is also a big lie. While many men do oppose abortion, they are mostly fathers who have also experienced the joy and wonder of babies and childbirth. It has become such a cold and evil debate. 

The making of this debate into a war between women and those who want to subjugate them is a disservice to both sides of the debate. The feminist movement is anything but feminist, it is actually anti-women if you consider that they attempt to portray and influence other women to reject their womanhood. They attempt to envision women as the same as men except for their sexual components. This is also a big lie. 

Lets face it, women are different in many ways than men, they do view things in a different way and we need to be thankful and celebrate that difference. The world would be a far less civilized world if both sexes thought like men. It seems to be the goal of the feminist activists to do just that. 

Many women who embrace traditional women's roles are castigated for giving in to the male dominated world. Why do feminists feel women who love being mothers are traitors to their cause. They talk about freedom, but it just another example of peer pressure to submit to their view of life. 

Lost in all this is babies, who in watching the debate yesterday, are never mentioned. This debate is about the sanctity of human life and little defenseless babies. Does society have a role in defending the truly helpless? Or is personal freedom the only litmus test that is to be considered? 

It is no accident that the pro-abortion activists never mention babies, it seems they view them as some sort of parasite that needs to be liquidated. Babies is what this debate is really about, not freedom from babies.

It seems this debate will go on, it will now become closer to home if the states will decide the future of this debate. There could be more emphasis on adoption, there are so many who would love to have children. Why can't adoption be much less restrictive and with a very reasonable cost. This is not about subjugation it is about babies.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Federal legislators should be rejoicing with end of Roe..



It seems the the Supreme court has voted to overturn Roe vs Wade. It is the right decision in that there was not a specified right in the constitution and bill of rights to allow the Federal government to regulate abortion. This should be a great relief for all Federal legislators as they are now free of this contentious issue. I believe the Federal court is also fortunate to no longer have to be continually looking at these cases. 

It will now become a contentious and thorny issue for state legislators. They are probably not too excited that this is now their hot potato. In the long run a strict interpretation of the constitution and bill of rights will be in the best interest of the country. It is the relief valve that the framers understood would help to unify the nation in common interests in the best interest of the whole country. Hopefully it will be a step in the right direction to unify the country on the issues that are a Federal mandate.

If the state legislators want to pass the buck furthur, they can put up referendums on this issue, let the people decide directly. This will also be a relief valve.

Democrats are convinced this will increase their voter turnout in the upcoming elections, maybe. If it now no longer a federal issue, federal elections will be decided on other issues. Hopefully on issues that relate to the enumerated powers given to the federal government.

The only other option is to pass a constitutional amendment on abortion. It is very unlikely that this is possible. 

So again, the states will now have to deal with this issue. We can expect to see 50 options, some will outright ban all abortions, some will put limitations on abortion, some will expand abortion to be possible without any limitations. If abortion is a defining issue in your life you will have a large menu to choose from. 

Most all of these thorny social issues should be decided by the states, it is the only way to continue as a unified nation. The Federal government should be concerned with those issue that it has been charged with to regulate. Maybe now they can do better at taking care of many responsibilities in which they y have been delinquent.