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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Biden energy policy not a mistake.



This week a majority of Americans polled believe that this administration is just incompetent. While that may be true, when it comes to energy this is their plan and has been their plan for over a decade. Below are a few quotes from Barack Obama from 2008.

 "Under my plan...electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Energy Secretary Steven Chu's famed call to " figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels of Europe"

Obama, "If somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged for all the greenhouses gases they emit"

These are just some of the quotes that revealed their energy policy of the future. Their plan has always been to force people off fossil fuels by raising the cost above affordability. We are not seeing a mistake from incompetence, but a calculated, intentional plan that never allowed for a replacement energy source before lowering dependence on fossil fuels. This is a mistake because it will lower the standard of living for all Americans and devastate the lower rungs of the economy.

Their intentional policy is a mistake, but they are implementing it on purpose.

The Biden team is the Obama team.

Their delusional ideology has never accounted for the human suffering that will be caused by their plan. Never accounted for the increase in prices of every commodity, never accounted for the future food shortages. All they focused on was a quick exit from fossil fuels without any serious replacement.

We can lower our dependence on fossil fuels, but a serious replacement must be put into place first. Solar panels and windmills are never going to provide that replacement.

Bidens spokesman as much as admitted this strategy this weekend when he claimed this is a transition period and that eventually everything will return to normal. It will likely take decades with this plan. How many lives will be ruined during this transition.

Natural gas has now tripled in price, Gasoline and and diesel over 50%. Expect to see a doubling of electric rates. Food shortages are very possible by fall.

This is what happens when we elect politicians who may be educated but have no experience with what it takes to provide food and energy to a huge population. They have no common sense, because they have spent their life dealing with utopian theories. They have never understood what a wonderful distribution system we have built in this country. They are destroying it all in months.

They are not able to comprehend the results of their short sighted plans. If allowed, they will cause a catastrophic result for us all.

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