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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

School shooting, opportunity for real solutions or political advantage?



Another assault on the children of America. Another event revealing the helplessness and frustration of not being able to stop such events. Hopefully a moment of unity in finding some hope in moving in a direction to lessen the possibility of these tragedies. Hopefully not to be another opportunity of political advantage in an election year.

The most immediate possibility is enhanced school security. Any school that has become lax in their school security plan should be stimulated to upgrade and enhance school security. This is the most immediate and least controversial approach to protecting children from the deranged violent attacker. 

Any attempt to make this into a political tool to move toward gun registration, which is the ultimate objective of the left in this country, will just distract from any real solutions.

After security, we need to take a close look at the social environment in this country. Self discipline is what makes a truly safe and stable society. 

So much effort is being made to undermine the basic social structure, particularly the family. So much effort to divide for political gain. So much effort to encourage feelings of fear and a dismal future.

An assault on faith that is the ultimate source of hope for those with feelings of hopelessness.

A reliance on legislation to fix every problem. Laws only punish the wrongdoer, never really stop lawbreaking.

A reexamination of the priorities in our country. What gives people people a feeling of accomplishment and well being? The source for well adjusted children is the family, a stable family will most likely produce stable children. A family is the closest witness to these problems and in best position to address depression and despair.

Media of all types, from movies to video games is full of death and destruction. Bloody violence is the overwhelming theme. These are not so subtle messages that this is how the world is expected to be. While we are willing to scrutinize every word, we have refused to demand less violence in entertainment.

We need to look as a  society to encourage family, encourage a positive view of the future, a future of hope rather than a future wrought with despair. Ultimately our problems are societal rather than a lack of  legislation.

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