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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Biden immigration policy: let as many in as possible .



While many decry the lack of control of our border as just incompetence it is in fact the plan of this administration even before the inauguration. 

The word was put out by the Non-government organizations to let it be known to all, that the U.S. border will be open to all comers. Just set foot on U.S, soil and you are here to stay. It is not an accident, not a incompetence, it is the plan, pure and simple. It seems it is just part of the plan to maintain and hold power by the democrat party.

It is a cynical plan to stress the social fabric of the nation, create chaos and disorder and thereby require more government spending, more dependent citizens and a hoped for new group of democrat voters.

I guess this plan was trial tested in California, a state with a history of being a so called purple state that is today almost completely governed by democrat politicians. A state were elections continue to be counted for weeks and months after the fact. Where dependency is encouraged, all in the quest for total democrat rule. It has been successful in making the beautiful state of California a state with homeless by the thousands camped out all over their cities, high levels of drug and alcohol dependency and a widening income gap across the state. With unsanitary and dangerous situations in all their cities. Chaos is good business for democrats, they will supply the funding and solutions to keep the chaos going.

So it seems that is the plan for the rest of the country, allow as many immigrants into the country as possible, many without skills and education to be successful in this country, many single mothers with children, most to have a future of dependency and a vote for the democrats in the future. Promising a laundry list of benefits not possible in their home country. 

If you watch and listen you  hear the democrats speak of more money for the border, not for security of the border, but to process and relocate these masses as quickly as possible. Much of the money is being distributed to Non-government organizations which will arrange shipping them all across the country. Are they also instructing them on voting and possibly even registering them, as they target those swing districts across the whole country? You can bet this Department of Justice, Homeland Security and FBI are much too busy investigating political opponents than to get involved in this trivia.

It is a fact that they are involved in treasonous activity to destroy the stability of this country, in a hope to increase and maintain their political power.

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