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Friday, September 16, 2022

The left is engineering their own extinction.



It is interesting that we now witness the attempt by the left to influence the children of their opponents. They believe that their ideology is far superior to that of preceding generations, but their ideology will cause their extinction in one generation. If you believe that LGBT is a superior lifestyle, that having children is an assault on the earth and childless is the best lifestyle for the future, they are if fact, making sure that they will be a dying ideology. 

I have in the last few years made west of Lehigh county in eastern Pennsylvania my goto  for shopping, commerce etc. I am amazed at the growth that is evident in the Amish and Mennonite communities. They are actually thriving, even in this government oppressive economic environment. They are mostly in the agricultural economies, but also very strong in the building trades. What I really noticed is they have a lot of children. It not unusual to see young women with 3 or 4 young children. I expect large families are still the norm and according to census numbers their numbers are growing all across the country. 

I have had the opportunity to do business with many of these people and they are good at business, mostly honest and forthright and their good practices have allowed them to reap the prosperity that does come to just engaging in good honest business practices. 

They seem to just go about their lives and let the rest the world go their way. Very little interest in politics or looking for recruits to their lifestyle. Their success is a witness to the rest of the world, that simple is best. Eliminate most of fluff and false gratifications of the world and you can live a successful, fulfilling and prosperous life.

It is also reported that their numbers are also growing in western Europe and some governments like Hungary, Czech republic, Poland and Russia are also encouraging having more children. 

Children do indeed change peoples lives and lifestyles, it is a maturing process that comes from dealing with children. Children require patience, a look to the future. A denial of self for something bigger. They create humility and wisdom. Families are still the foundation of society. Societies with a large decline in the fertility rate are a recipe for decline and collapse.

It may very well fulfill the prophecy that the meek will indeed literally inherit the earth.

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