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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"Crossfire Hurricane", Worst conspiracy in U.S. history.




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The Inspector general, Michael Horowitz released his report on the origins of the Russia investigation this week. The FBI had named the investigation into the Trump campaign, "Crossfire Hurricane". The media and Dems claim it has exonerated those who were accused of an attempted Coup. It is obvious, if you listen to the hearing and study the report, that it exonerated no one. In fact, it has affirmed all the findings of the Republican Judicial committee report that had to do with actions of those in the Department of Justice. The IG report did not get into those actions undertaken by others.

The question is, Who was the mastermind of this attempted Coup? There is much evidence, that is expected to be verified, that it was begun by people in the State Department, CIA, and some intelligence groups. The beginning began with a CIA agent planting information with George Papadopoulos while in Europe. He informed Papadopoulas that the Russians had the missing Hillary Clinton emails.This action was most likely  prompted by the CIA, led by John Brennan. The next action was a supposedly unplanned casual meeting of Papadopoulos with an Australian diplomat in a bar, who talked about Russians and the campaign. This most likely was arranged by someone in the State Department, then led by John Kerry. This diplomat then informed the FBI. This was the beginning of the Russia investigation. Were these action taken without the knowledge of John Brennan, John Kerry, and then Loretta Lynch? 

Once this investigation moved to the FBI it took on a life of its own with many abuses being revealed in the Horowitz report. 

Then there is the Steele dossier that was originally opposition research for the 2016 campaign, bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. It was shopped around the media during the campaign and most would not touch it. It became important after the election. While the information started being compiled in June 2016 it continued even after the election. This is when the decision to use it as part of a coup must have been made. It was likely made in high places of the Obama administration.

The next question is Why? Many of the players were ideologically in opposition to many of Trump's proposals. This is often the case after an election. The problem is no one or no group has ever attempted to nullify an election in this country. Why now? It is very likely that Trump's pledging to "Drain the Swamp" and also his hope to improve relations with Russia were part of the reason. Also his plan to renegotiate trade relations with China. There are many people who became very rich in dealing with China. While those reasons may be the motive of Never-Trumper Republicans and others in Business it is not a likely motive for career State Department or FBI employees.

It is very probable it is more of a matter of survival. A case of having been involved in inappropriate and likely illegal actions during the past administration. We have some motive for Kerry and Biden who both have their fingers in Ukrainian corruption. There was the Obama administration in cooperation with the Justice department in extorting Tens of Billions in penalties from the banks and conveying the money to undisclosed non-profit groups. There was the Uranium 1 deal signed off by the State Department and FBI, which conveyed control of 20% of U.S. Uranium production to Russia. There was the arming of Al Quada elements in Syria through Libya that was part of the Benghazi incident. These are some of the incidents that have been made public, who knows what has not yet been revealed. It seems there is extreme fear that Trump will actually talk to the Russians. Are the Russians aware of what these people fear may be exposed?

It just seems unlikely that Career employees of the government would be so motivated by ideology to risk it all in this endeavor. Many likely just did as they were instructed, but there were decisions made in high places that were unprecedented in American politics. While many would like to believe that Trump was or is a Russian agent, if given some thought it is an absurd idea. The FBI knew in early January 2017 that was not the case, yet the investigations and accusations are ongoing.

Obviously many in government and media still believe this whole thing can be white washed and covered up. They may be correct.

Sadly the damage that has been inflicted on our country by these politically motivated investigations have damaged our country, possibly irreparably.

If this nation is to survive, there needs to be corrective action and consequences for those involved. Nothing less than full exposure can restore faith in our Government institutions.

Originally published 12/16/2019.  will we get answers to these questions?

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