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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Something seems to be cooking in Russia.



This past week saw a large meeting in Moscow with all the leaders, both political and military. It was followed yesterday with a meeting in Belarus, with Putin himself and all his top staff and some military leaders, supposedly talking about some new Nuclear power plants. It seems that something is about to happen soon.

While all this could just be a diversion to put Ukraine on guard, it is most likely not just a ruse. It seems there is never a leak or divulging of strategy out of Moscow. It could be to entice Ukraine to add support to the Kyiv area and thus draw down some troops from were the current fighting is going on, or as some suggest, Kyiv is not the target, but actually an effort to cut off supplies coming through  Poland and Romania. Efforts based out of Belarus makes sense, since it is all very close to were supplies are entering the country.

While we hear stories of Russians being tired and unsupportive of the war, it seems the truth is that many both in and out of government want to get this whole affair over with a military victory. So far, it has been a slow grinding down of the Ukrainian military, a destruction of military infrastructure and a disruption of civilian infrastructure, that may all be about to change.

The Russian military may feel that due to the weather and limits of the remaining Ukrainian military it is time to up the conflict to a new level. Sadly, the numbers of both men and equipment favor the Russians at this point unless the west is willing to send men and equipment to aid the Ukrainians. While the U.S., UK and Poland would be willing, the rest of NATO will unlikely support such an escalation as they will be directly affected by any such conflict.

It seems there is no one willing to support a negotiated settlement at this time. It appears those bridges have all been burned and there will be a lot more death and destruction by all before it is ripe for a negotiation.

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