While the western media is still trying to convince their populations and the world that they are the great benefactors to the world and without U.S. influence and power the world would collapse into chaos, much of the rest of the world does not share that view, even if they fear expressing that opinion.
Much of the real chaos in the world started with the first Iraq war, when the U.S. allowed and encouraged Saddam Hussein to believe that a reincorporation of the Kuwait oil fields, that were formally part of Iraq, but became part of Kuwait due to western nation building after WW2. The U.S according to congressional testimony conveyed to Saddam through its ambassador April Glaspie that it would not get involved in any border disputes in the region. It seems there was a plan to bring about the destruction of Iraq's military power and was in fact baited into believing he could succeed in this endeavor. It seems this strategy has often been repeated numerous time in the last few decades. It was the first lesson learned by others who understood what had happened and it was the just the beginning of similar regime change operations.
The operation that was put into motion to expel Saddam from Kuwait required the stationing of troops in Saudi Arabia. Whether this was originally intended to be permanent or not is not clear, but it set in motion resentment by many Sunni Muslims in the region. They perceived this a threat and a violation of their religious beliefs. One of those was Osama Bin Laden, a former ally of the U.S. in their war with Russia in Afghanistan. Bin Laden spent several years warning the U.S. that his followers did not want foreign troops stationed in their country. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia, which was an ally of the U.S. and settled in Afghanistan were he was able to grow his resistance among those who did not want foreign troops in their muslim countries neither Russian or other western nations.
Bin Laden's warnings were ignored and eventually he claimed that he and his followers would begin a campaign that would BLEED the United States in resources that would lead to their demise. This began a campaign of terrorism in the western world. It culminated in the attack on the world trade center in New York that indeed did change the world forever. It is indeed a prophetic outcome of Bin Laden that a small group of dedicated followers were able to set the stage and in fact bait the U.S. into an aggressive reprisal against most every nation in the middle east that lasted for over 20 years, resulted in the death of possibly 1 million, the destruction of nations, the destabilization of Europe and it continues to today. The cost in money, human lives and the good standing of the United States has been permanently diminished.
This terrorist attack gave those in positions of power in the U.S. the opportunity to exert the power of the United States to set the course of world events, to in fact, "Rule the World". It was sold as the beginning of a "New World Order", orchestrated by the United States and its subservient allies in western Europe, most of which have been bought and paid for by U.S. borrowed money.
Then began regime change operations around the world usually with a fake reason of necessity of some sort, Iraq again, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybya,Tunisia, Egypt and Ukraine. Then interference in the internal elections and other subversion in Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Chechnya and even Israel. Also Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and it seemed anyplace that was vulnerable or naive enough to allow U.S. money and influence to be accepted into their country. Of course, this was all done in the name of making a better world.
The biggest prize is and has been Russia, a concerted effort of propaganda began to demonize everything Russia and to expand NATO to its very borders in an effort to surround and encourage its dissolution in the hope of diving up its assets and resources with its subservient allies. It is turning out to be a gross miscalculation and it is now the dilemma that if this adventure does not result in their ultimate victory, the whole house of cards is going to fold. NATO, the Dollar as the reserve currency, global financial and military hegemony will begin to evaporate.
And now, Russia and China have not submitted to their threats of financial ruin and war and other nations are watching, wondering where they are best served in the future. The stick of U.S. destruction or the possible carrot of trying something new. The world in fact is sitting on the fence.
They have seen what cooperation with the U.S. can lead to and many would just like to distance themselves from what has proved to be possible disastrous results. They do not want to be forced to submit to the financial, military and social revolution being sold by this once great country.
This great and disastrous episode in human history is soon to be concluded. It is clear that the powers that be in Washington wanted enemies and now they have them. Do they also want war? Do they in their delusion believe that they can fight a proxy war with Russia or a limited NATO war on foreign soil without suffering in the homeland? Are the American people naive enough to believe this war can be won in some distant land and they will not be effected? War with Russia and or China will result in the first casualties in the homeland and they will be extensive.
Our diplomats have told China and Russia to expect war and they are preparing for war. I actually don't see much actual preparation by the U.S. for war, just bluster and threats and false narratives. They may be able to win elections in the west this way, but it will not win a war they are not prepared to fight.
Now, the only way ro avoid war is to admit, that we no longer can control the world, that we have to recognize the concerns of others and accommodate a world that has changed, much of it due to our own extreme actions. It will take humility, empathy and a desire for a better world for all, so far, there is no sign of those virtues, but time is running out.