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Monday, August 21, 2023

F-16's, more symbolism as NATO members look past Ukraine.



It is now becoming clear to European NATO members that they need to begin planning for what the world will be like after the Ukraine conflict is concluded. Turkey and Hungary met this weekend and admitted they need to seek to repair relations with Russia to insure their economic future. Both countries have large economic relationships with Russia, for energy and also Turkey shares a common border. They have been trying to not burn any bridges and they now seem to understand that this conflict will never end in Ukraine's favor. They are the first to publicly admit this situation, but you can bet the Germans and French are thinking what these two are verbally saying.

At the same time the U.S. is allowing f-16's to be transferred to Ukraine. 61 f-16's with newly trained Ukrainian pilots will be just so much a target to test Russian air defenses and well trained Russian pilots in their advanced aircraft. All conflicts are used by militaries to test their equipment, but this war has been just so much advanced training for the Russian military, that has not been in a real conflict since WW2. At the start of this conflict they were somewhat disorganized and lacked focus on their mission, that has all changed and they have now become a well honed machine, all at the expense of 100's of thousands of Ukrainian lives and western military equipment as targets.

The Russians have lost many thousands of their soldiers and have resigned themselves to a future without serious relations with Western  Europe. They seem to have done a much better job of relations with the rest of the world and it appears we will now have a multi-polar economic and political world. One day history will write what a disaster this U.S. inspired Ukrainian conflict has been. It has been indeed a pivotal moment in world history.

Now the next question is, will the U.S. foreign policy experts admit their miscalculations and arrogant  and delusional polices or will they again double down to save their political image. After all, they have indeed destroyed any future that their was for Ukraine. Would Ukraine have been better off as a neutral non-aligned country rather than a member of NATO? Would western Europe have been better off with cheap Russian energy to maintain their industrial capacity? I bet the citizens of Germany and others are asking that question. Does anyone believe that Russia posed a military threat to Europe or to the United States for that matter? Only if you are one of the U.S. policy makers bent on world domination and control.

While the Ukraine conflict may continue for some time, it is clear the Ukrainian's will not prevail. Further escalation can only destroy more of the country and kill more of its diminishing population. Russia considers this conflict an existential threat to their nation, and it is. They have actually been restrained in their approach and hoped to avoid war and hoped to negotiate an acceptable security plan. The U.S. has staked NATO and its international standing on this conflict and has little chance of saving face. Will they now believe that a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia is their only hope? Will they tell the world they had to do it as their intelligence forsaw a Russian pre-emptive strike? No one should doubt the hubris and delusional mentality of this administration.

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