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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Republican federal candidates should refrain from any federal abortion legislation.



The Supreme court made the correct decision by ruling that there is no constitutional right concerning abortion. This ruling did not ban abortion, it just allowed these decisions to be made at the state level, where it can be more responsive to the citizens of that state.

The fourth amendment concerned the right to privacy, particularly in your home and property and was to insure against an overbearing government searching, monitoring, infringing on your privacy,particularly  political opinions and the right to private property, something that the federal government has been infringing on at every opportunity. The federal candidates should focus on the true intent of the fourth amendment and not get baited into positions without any positive results, not for themselves, nor for the country. 

It is a stupid strategy that it seems they feel they need to have a position, and they cannot please anyone, no matter their position. There position should be," it is not a federal government matter". The federal government has so many immediate problems that maybe they could find some common ground, abortion is not one of them.

The Supreme court has contributed to the severe division in the country, by making rulings that are not based on the intent of the constitution. After all, the constitution is the law for the federal government, they should acknowledge and defend that the states are the best place to decide these controversial issues. This defense should also be made by candidates for federal office. Voters should beware of candidates who would expand the power of the federal government. The constitution clearly lays out their responsibilities, they should be taken literally and everything else should be decided by the states. It is the great relief valve of a constitutional republic.It promotes unity in the long run, not division by the majority oppressing the minority.

In election season we often hear state candidates propose laws that they have no legal authority to deal with and the same goes for federal candidates. Voters should reject all candidates who do not understand the duties, responsibilities and  limitations of the office they are intent on filling.

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