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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Dems and Hillary still dont get it.



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This week Hillary Clinton had her first interview about the election. According to her, if not for James Comey and Wikileaks she would have won. If negative press affected a campaign that much, Trump would have lost by 25%.  I seems they cannot grasp what happened. I have a few points that are much more obvious reasons for the loss.
1. Hillary never made a clear statement of why she wanted to be President. other than she wanted to be the first women.
2. She had no platform, she never articulated a list of objectives she would pursue if elected. She ran on extending Obamas policies for 4 more years. I never saw a presidential candidate try to run on another persons record.
3. She appeared managed and unavailable. It seemed she thought she could win by playing it safe. Her opponent talked to anyone and answered everything.
4. She had 2x the money of her opponent and 90% of the media on her side, plus the President and his Administration, she was the ultimate insider in a year the voters were looking for an outsider, just as they did when they voted for Obama over her 8 years earlier.
5. She pandered to minorities and fringe voters, and ignored the military, the police and everyday Americans. And even labeled Trump supporters as deplorable, really a bad mistake.
6. Baggage, she had more baggage from the past than any candidate in history. She did not help by looking scripted and unavailable.
Finally, she blames Comey, who really did bungle the whole mess, but she was the one who used the private server to bypass the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act, she was the one who set this whole thing in motion. As far as Wikileaks, the only thing it exposed was that the DNC conspired to favor Hillary in the primary, which most objective observers had known for months. I do not doubt that some Sanders voters stayed home. Don't cheat in a primary! As far as the Russians, why has the media not investigated the Obama and Clinton interference in elections around the world? They tried to influence elections in  Israel, Egypt, Ukraine, and others, they started the precedent and made it acceptable to try to influence other countries elections. As long as the Dems continue to look to blame others for their loss they are doomed to keep losing.

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