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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Is anyone in Washington independent?



Image result for comey fired
Director of the FBI James Comey was fired by President Trump yesterday. The news media is already speculating about everything and anything as to why this has happened. Comey has been controversial since the Hillary Clinton investigation. At the least he bungled the whole affair, at worst he made the FBI look like a political arm of the Obama administration. This, after the IRS targeting conservative groups, the stalling and cover up concerning Fast and Furious, Bengasi, etc. made it look as though every department in the federal government was politically motivated. The Clinton investigation drug out with no end in sight, then a meeting with Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch on a runway in Arizona. This was followed within days by Comey having a press conference with a head fake statement listing all the reasons why Clinton was guilty, followed by stating he did not recommend prosecution. Everyone wondered what was going on and most saw political corruption at its worst. We may never know what that was all about. Did the Obama administration pressure Comey to make that statement? Did Comey rationalize he could preserve the FBI better by complying and staying as director. Did Comey wish to become a power player, as the founder of the FBI, J. Edger Hoover?  We could speculate forever, then less than 2 weeks before the election he reveals that the investigation has been restarted. This was as bizarre as it could get.
Lets face it , Obama could not fire Comey or it would look so politically motivated. When Trump took office he had to wait months for his Attorney General to be confirmed, and longer to get his Assistant  Attorney General confirmed. He was not in a position to fire Comey until his Assistant Attorney general was confirmed, as the Attorney General had recused himself from the Russian investigation. Politically it was a hard decision to make, as the media and the Dems are going to harp on this for years. But the question is, Did the public have faith in the director to be non-political? Did the rank and file of the FBI have confidence in Comey? It has been widely reported that they did not. Finally did the President and the Justice department have confidence in Comey? Obviously it did not.
While there is a lot of speculation and hysteria concerning this firing, the objectivity and independence of the next FBI Director will be what is required to start the process of restoring the credibility of the FBI, and the other departments of the federal government. I would not be surprised to see the Director of the IRS to be the next to go, He is an arrogant partisan, who should never be in charge of such a sensitive department. 
Have no fear, the investigation of the Trump campaign will go on, hopefully in an impartial and objective manner, and maybe in time the citizens can again have confidence in the impartiality, independence and professionalism of the administrators of the Federal government.

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