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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Investigations in search of a crime.




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The firing of James Comey has given the enemies of Trump, which consists of most of the media, the entrenched bureaucracy in Washington and the political establishment of both the Democratic and Republican parties the opportunity to accuse the President of impeding and obstructing the investigation into the interference of the Russians into the 2016 election. They are determined to have Trump removed from office as soon as possible or at least peal off his support in the electorate and in the U.S. House and Senate. I watch most all the press briefings and the speeches by Trump, then the reporting by the Media, they are corrupt, and spinning every word to shape their narrative. The White House needs to overhaul how it deals with the press. Daily press briefings should be eliminated and replaced by daily press releases that relay the White House Activities. The Daily press briefings have descended into no more than attempts by the media to cross examine the spokesmen hoping they can score points, by the use of different words or a slightly different phrasing that indicates some inconsistency by the spokesman or the President. End it, now. The White House can then issue a daily press release that every American can subscribe to, I will subscribe immediately. They can then relay information directly to the citizenry without the filter of the press. The press corps can then do what it does best, write their news from their unnamed sources and leakers who may or may not be accurate, but will allow them to put forth the narrative that they want. It will also eliminate the Press corps stars who use these televised meetings to puff up their own image and so called sophistication for their own gain. Second, I am offended as a tax-payer that the media is afforded free transportation on Air force One. CNN, NBC, Fox and all the other major networks have reporters stationed all around the globe, let them do the reporting wherever the President should be. Air force One should be solely for the use of the President, the Secret service and the Presidents staff. Also I would be concerned by the hate and vitriol of some members of the press that they may be a security risk for the President.
We have investigations by the House, the Senate and a National security investigation by the FBI, all in search of crime that they have not yet identified.  Usually a crime is determined and then an investigation is conducted. I watch the hearings, no answers are forthcoming, is there an investigation? sorry, Classified. Has any coordination been found.? sorry classified.  One year of investigation has not produced any crime to date. They are no more than a show trial without a defendant. They do claim that some of Trumps campaign staff may have failed to properly report activities in Russia and the Ukraine, but no evidence of a crime has yet to presented. The insinuation is, if anyone has talked to a Russian, he is suspect of being a traitor and a collaborator in some unseemly event. If every U.S. politician would need to resign if they have talked to a Russian government official, there would be very few warm seats in Congress. Even now, any conversations or meeting with Trump and any Russian is suspect. I am beginning to believe that the Russians may have compromising information on many U.S. politicians, who fear the Russians may hand it over to Trump.
I have personal friends who deal with the Washington bureaucracy, who tell of the downright hysteria and fury, that Trump is going to cut their cushy positions. They openly talk of eliminating him in any way possible. What the press is not reporting, but what is the basis for their fury, is that Trump is attempting to roll back forty years of the U.S. slide into total socialism and government control of all aspects of our lives. He has signed 32 pieces of legislation and issued over 43 executive orders that have been very effective in rolling back the deep state. We are actually, in effect, in the midst of a political Civil War, so far it has been non-violent, except for the left, who realize that they are losing the debate on policy. Thus their attempt to silence any opposing views. They have no policy that they dare reveal, except more of the same. Hillary and Obama offered more of the same in 2016 and the electorate said, NO! Trump has taken on the media, the Intelligence community and the entrenched bureaucracy in Washington. The odds are against him, but then they have been against him since he announced he was running for President.


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