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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Media pushes for impeachment



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The plan to impeach Trump has now moved into the next phase. We now see a daily leak or report from unnamed sources that paints the President as either corrupt or incompetent. There will now be an escalating frenzy to move to impeachment.
It is now clear that James Comey was controlled in some way by Obama. The gyrations we saw last summer in the Hillary Clinton investigation was, as I assumed, Obama's way of controlling Hillary Clinton. The investigation was prolonged until the Clintons agreed to Obama's conditions. This was arranged on the runway in Arizona in a hoped secret meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. This would never have been revealed except that a local reporter just happened to notice the meeting. Ever wonder why the National Media did not report on this, until it was revealed by a local reporter? If you remember, within days of this meeting, Comey held his infamous press conference and Obama and Hillary boarded Air force One for a rally in North Carolina where Obama did all the talking about Hillary being his third term. Hillary was forced to campaign as a third term of Obama, she was forced to agree to placing Loretta Lynch as her Attorney General, or she would be indicted. Then it appears she must have resisted, Bill Clinton was being vocal about some of Obama's policy's and Obama dropped the hammer by having Comey reopen the investigation. Is Comey a true believer or was he compromised in some way by the Obama administration. We may never know unless he does not do as instructed. I hate to say it but Hillary Clinton was a victim of a political power play that cost her the election.
When the unthinkable happened, Trump actually won, panic erupted. This was far more than an election loss. When you have the media in the bag, the president and his administration actively campaigning and rigging everything inside the party, and establishment republicans on board, many hoping Clinton would win rather than Trump, and you loose, the first response is that the cheaters were out cheated, first a recount, no luck there, then lets go with the Russia story. It is now probable that what many Democrats and some in the media proclaimed shortly after the election, that Trump would be either impeached or forced to resign was more than wishful thinking but a plan of a coordinated attack to bring Trump down. They are now in full attack mode, feeling they have Trump on the ropes and it is time to finish him off.
It may very well now be more than just a power play, but really also a survival play. With the firing of Comey, who was the keeper and protector of the skeleton closet, they are now in jeopardy of the criminal activity by the last White House being exposed. They will resist the naming of any new FBI director and hope to keep the acting director, who is also a democratic loyalist,  in place until they can eliminate Trump.
Trump needs to appoint an acting director of his choice, which he can do, and then nominate someone who is above reproach and fair. The dems will then have to pass his nominee rather than live indefinitely with his appointed interim director. Again, the odds of Trump's survival are not good, but we can only hope as this warfare goes on he can expose the corruption that is Washington and hope for true upheaval and reform.

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