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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Atlanta charges, short term appeasement, long term pain for country



This latest episode in the continuing saga of race relations in the United States began in Minneapolis with a video that disturbed all America. It has now escalated to demanding appeasement through over charging police officers and is moving to demanding tribute form business and anyone who will fork over money to keep the forces of anarchy at bay. Tribute did not work for ancient Rome and it will It  not work now. Appeasement will just create a climate of demanding more under the threat of violence. If this is not stopped now it will descend into a situation of lawlessness and anarchy. The United States and much of the western world is looking very much like 1930's Europe.

Make no mistake, this is not a series of spontaneous events, but a plan that has been on the shelf for years. The triggering events are spontaneous, but the response is a planned destabilizing of the country. With the latest over charging of the police officers in Atlanta, you can bet many of the police officers in the country are going to take a step back in enforcing the law. It may very well lead to no-go zones were the police will refuse or be very slow to respond. Can anyone blame them. They are caught in the crossfire between the forces of anarchy and the political correct politicians. Is this the beginning of the, "fundamental transformation of America". Does anyone think we are moving to better place?

With the possibility that the police will no longer be able to control the forces moving in the country, it will force citizens to fend for themselves. No one should want to see such a change taking place. It may unleash a bitter and deadly escalation that may be unstoppable. No race group or other group will have a better future if this is were we are going. 

It seems the political forces on the left are willing to burn the country to the ground, if that is what it takes to regain power. They have been willing to support and unleash lawlessness to accomplish their goal of a socialist America. It is likely they will also be devoured in the ensuing chaos they have unleashed.

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