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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

There are some who hate America



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Finally the progressives have revealed what they really want. It is the transformation of America from a capitalist free market economy into a socialist government managed and controlled country.

For years they have attempted to run stealth campaigns trying to hide what their true goals where, but now there no longer is any doubt about their intentions. This is a good thing, lets have the debate! Let both side be honest about their goals and outcomes for the country. Then we can let the voters decide, this is how it should be. 

It is now clear, that the progressives, both democrat and republican want the elimination of the southern border, some will admit it, some won't, but they believe that they can overwhelm the countries health care system, social service system and dilute the votes of American citizens. This will aid them to implementing national government healthcare and insure they can maintain a monopoly on government power.

We also see that they want to take control of the countries energy and food system, They will be able to eventually decide what and how much energy can be used and by whom. What kind of foods will be available to help save on health care costs.

It has been evident since the 1990's that they desire to eliminate the possession of firearms from American civilians. Have no doubt, that this is their goal. With the policies they envision they would certainly like to eliminate any real resistance.

The United States has been the greatest experiment in self government in world history. It has produced the greatest opportunity for economic success, the best healthcare system in the world and the most  freedom for individuals any where in the world. It has had a justice system that has been the most stable in the world, but things have been changing. 

We have already seen cracks in many areas of our country. Wherever the government has entered results have declined. Our healthcare system has suffered since the introduction of the affordable care act. 

Our education system has not kept up since we have accepted one size fits all mandates by government. 

Our justice and legal system has been corrupted by the politicization of our legal system. 

We have seen a deterioration of race and gender relations. Mostly caused by the attempt by the progressives to divide the country for political advantage. Progressive policies have all but destroyed the African-American family and those statistics are growing in all families in America, they have used the differences between men and women to label men's normal mentality as an aberration that should be condemned and changed. The 2 parent stable american family is in danger and the policies of the last 50 years have hastened that deterioration. 

So, we will see, America is going to have a choice to make, do we want to go full speed ahead to a Totalitarian socialist government or restore the country to a place of opportunity, and economic and social stability.

If we choose to go down the road to total socialism we can expect to see a flight from paper assets into hard assets and anything not subject to be taxed and confiscated. We can expect to see a decline in the overall wealth of the nation. A decline in services and a increasing authoritarian government to enforce mandates in social and economic policy.

Americans have become increasingly out of touch with the realities of life. Maybe the time is here for a large dose of suffering that is the inevitable result of socialism.

Originally published 3/8/2019

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