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Friday, June 19, 2020

Bolton book, politically timed, same issues as 2016.



John Bolton: After Kim Jong Un claim, US should resume South Korea ...

John Bolton's new book has all the adjectives of all the previous tell-all books, devastating, bombshell, etc. all in an attempt to diminish the Trump administration and its policies. 

As in the 2016 election the establishment of both parties have 2 major concerns, the first is trade, which has been the main focus of this administration.They have decried the trade wars, as they call them. What they are concerned about is any move to cut down on Chinese imports will hurt the profit margins of many major corporations, who are nothing more than import companies. They have no concern for bringing back jobs to north America. As in the past, they would rather focus on food stamps, guaranteed incomes and other government benefits, rather than have self relient and proud American workers.  

While this fits perfectly into the platform of the new Democratic socialist party, it is also backed by many Republicans who also support that plan, but more quietly.

The other object of their discontent is foreign relations. We have had the same foreign policy no matter the president, for the last 30 years. It is an interventionist policy of destabilization of the middle east and many other parts of the world. The U.S. has been the police for global government. We still have troops stationed in over 100 countries. This interventionism was mostly paid for by American money and blood with little to show for it. These actors hate that Trump has pointed out their failed foreign policy.

No one talks about the fact that we have a lot less troops in the middle east under Trump. Interesting that the middle East is also not the daily headline any more. International terrorism is at a low point. This is not due to the likes of John Bolton or the other behind the scenes players who have controlled U.S. foreign policy for decades. They also advocated for regime change in Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, Libya and even Israel. Does anyone take notice that while there is still chaos in those countries it is in the process of stabilization.

One must wonder if they have focused  their regime change policy, even possible revolution, on the internal affairs of the United States. We now see many of the same hallmarks of other regime change revolutions.

John Bolton was hired by Trump for the specific role as the bad cop in the negotiations with North Korea. Bolton never really wanted any negotiations with North Korea. He favored the past policy of no communication or dialogue. He favored a policy of regime change and confrontation. Trump wanted to try strong sanctions and an offer of a new North Korea as part of the world community. It is likely Bolton was intent on undermining this approach. It was the opinion of the North Korean negotiators that no deal was possible while Bolton was part of the team. It is likely he used his role to undermine, maneuver and attempt to move Trump into the past policies. He was eventually fired.

He will likely never get a job in any future administration. He hopes to get one last benefit for his government service with his book.

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