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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Democrats are obsessed with race.



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In the 2012 presidential campaign the Obama campaign publicly admitted that they had come to the conclusion that they could win without the support of white men. Their campaign then went about tailoring their campaign to ensure a large black turnout at the polls. They also focused on the women vote. This with their coalition of LGB supporters, government unions and any other groups of disaffected were targeted with the old policy of stoking fear and greed to gain voter support. Fear of the police and white people and promises of more benefits and free government programs.

The fear and anger in the black community was encouraged with pumping high profile cases, beginning with the Zimmerman case in Florida. The administration with the help of their allies in the media, NBC actually edited the 911 call by Zimmerman to enhance their effort. This was followed by the Brown case in Missouri, with the rioting and pillaging that lasted for weeks. This was all hyped up to create hatred and division to encourage minority votes. The media was of course a willing accomplice in stoking the division.

This was followed by organized protests by left wings groups like," Black lives Matter ", Antifa, "Move on.Com" etc. Mostly railing about the injustices endured by blacks, perpetrated by white men and white society. Of course all this was portrayed as a civil rights issue, Social Justice was a new phrase, which really meant redistribution.  "White privilege", was another which was just a racist term that was used to encourage white guilt. All this was no more than psychological warfare in a quest for political power.

It worked, Obama won re-election and the framework was embraced by the Democratic party to ensure political power for the foreseeable future.

The same strategy was foisted on poor Hillary Clinton in 2016, the only problem was, she was not black and she was running against Donald Trump who was willing to engage and push back against the whole social justice, white privilege and the racist labeling of white society as evil and the cause of any misfortune endured by any group, whether black, women, LGB, Hispanic and now Muslim. 

This was outrageous, that someone would have the audacity to not be shamed into doing their will by labels of Racism, Bigotry or Xenophobia.  It was just not right that attempts at evoking shame and guilt did not work anymore.

The whole civil rights movement was begun with the idea of making race a non issue in all things, whether employment, housing, personal relationships, but it has now become a psychological and political weapon to push down and crush anyone who resists doing their will.

It seems their will is to transform the United States from a country that ensured opportunity for all to do the best they can with the gifts that they have to a mediocre existence of government guaranteed minimal, but equal, quality of life.

This would be accomplished by a transfer of wealth from those who have striven for generations to improve the lives of themselves and their descendants by providing a stable home life and working hard for the long term.

The new promise is, we the government, will tax and confiscate from those that have to provide for those who do not. Any resistance will inevitably be enforced by shaming or the bayonet when necessary. This is not the philosophy this country was founded on and prospered with, but is the same old Marxist philosophy that has cost the lives and created suffering for millions.

Originally published 7/16/2019, and even more relevant today.

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