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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Democrats place all their hopes on the virus



Polls show many Americans are concerned about the Coronavirus, so the Democrats have decided they will double down on politicizing the pandemic to defeat Donald Trump. The Democrats and the media have decided that this can be the deciding factor in this election.

Of course, the deaths are blamed on Trump's either inaction or his downplaying the virus. They claim that Trump has caused the death of thousands of Americans. I have not yet heard any plan other than what Trump and his task force have already done. They claim that they do not want a national shutdown, but that they believe Trumps refusal to wear a mask when speaking and not mandating a national mask law is the cause in the increase in cases and deaths.

They are outraged that Trump has not engaged in token symbolism of wearing a mask at all times, even when everyone who he is with is being tested. While on one hand they have claimed that Trump is an authoritarian leader in the likes of Hitler and Mussolini, they continually attack him for not placing draconian rules and penalties on people for not wearing masks. 

While masks may help in interaction in close confines inside, they are meaningless, when outdoors, in your car or in your home. In fact, the paper masks that are so much touted do not filter out virus. To filter out a virus you need a rubber mask that covers your entire face including your eyes.

Early on the experts told us that masks were meaningless and that they could make matters worse by people placing their hopes on ineffective masks or masks not being handled properly or being touched etc. Now, yesterday the head of the CDC claimed masks were more effective than a vaccine. He should resign immediately. 

Speaking of Vaccines, the development of a vaccine has been the priority for ending the effects of the Corona virus since day one. The federal government has spent billions, cut down the delays in the process and even ok'd the manufacture of several vaccines even before they are approved, so that they can be distributed immediately after the approval. They have contracted to produce 100's of millions of doses, that process has been ongoing for months. God forbid that these vaccines would be approved before the election. There is now an all out effort by the Biden campaign, the democrats and media to actually trash any vaccine that would be available before the elections. Claiming Trump is pressuring early approval, even if untested etc. It is a disgusting display of the worst kind of partisan politics.

Early in this pandemic we were given guidelines of social distancing, washing hands, don't touch your nose or eyes. Don't put your fingers in your mouth. It is still the only thing that can makes some difference. 

At the same time the Governors of many of these states failed miserably at protecting the vulnerable in nursing homes. The only reason that the deaths in nursing homes has declined is because the most vulnerable are already dead. 

So it seems the virus is the last great hope of the democrats to win in November. It seems they have lost on all the other issues.  It is a sad commentary on the ruthless disgusting state of the non-debate today. Just when you think that politics can not get any more despicable, you are sadly surprised.

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