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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

"Push from the top, push from the bottom", Alinsky strategy at work.



While the present violent unrest was supposedly started by a real injustice that was acknowledged by most of the country, it has now descended into an outright socialist revolution. It is very likely this plan was on the shelf just waiting for the inevitable event that could be used to trigger this mayhem.

It is a classic example of how to implement a socialist revolution in a country that does not support that type of change. It is spelled out clearly in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for radicals" the plan is to create an uprising brought on by real or imagined injustices and move the population by rioters demanding, things like defunding the police, being able to civilly sue police officers, using the legal system to punish anyone who opposes them, intimidate any opposition, either verbally, socially or by physical intimidation. This is the pushing up from the bottom. 

Then their allies in elected office then simply give in to their demands, claiming it must be done to restore peace and tranquility. These elected officials, some who know what they are doing, like the Mayor of Portland, and other weak incompetent ones who have no backbone to go against their supposed constituents.

After the police are made ineffective, which seems to have already happened in many major cities under weak incompetent democrat officials, these radicals themselves will become the rulers in these cities and set out on their plans of forced redistribution of assets. Of course they will be able to reap their share for their efforts.

Alinsky preached the old divide and conquer philosophy, and advocated having foot soldiers who believed they were the good guys and anyone who opposed them needed to be destroyed in any way possible. He actually dedicated his book to Satan, who he described as the first revolutionary. This may account for the attacks on churches and the christian religion.

These activists oppose capitalism, private property, and even the nuclear family. Is it any wonder that they engage in the destruction and looting of private businesses. Sadly, many elected officials in these cities believe that all business should be controlled and operated  by the government.

This has been the playbook of Marxist revolution throughout  history. It is amazing that it continues to work. It needs a population without an understanding and knowledge of history and human behavior. Often many do not even see how they are being manipulated to accept policies that are against their own best interest. Venezuela is the latest example of the end result.

You can bet on one thing, the end of this unrest is likely to continue no matter the outcome of this next election. While influencing this election is a goal of these radicals, it is by no means their only goal.

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