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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Police need to tell politicians they must give them guidance.



We see police officers under attack not only physically on the streets and highways of this country, but by the weak politicians who are willing to throw the police under the bus. While police abuse sometimes happens, it is mostly they are in a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.

I have yet to see any politician who has answered in public, what a police officer should do with those who disobey a lawful order, those who resist arrest, or those who assault a police officer. They are all quick to second guess the actions of the police by voicing what is unacceptable, but never give clear guidelines as to what they should do in these situations. 

Do they propose that police wrestle with those who resist arrest, let them go, or should it be cause for lethal force. Should they respond to all calls, or maybe just forget about responding to calls in certain neighborhoods where the police are not respected.

They often give into pressure to charge officers with offenses just to appease the mob, who if they had their way, all police would be eliminated or punished.

We see the teachers union decide not to teach due to covid, that is their right. We see other public workers unions set the conditions for their work. Why has the police unions not stood up for their ranks, who put their life on the line every day and never know what to expect when the stop someone on the road or encounter those who wish to do them harm. It is time they demand from the politicians clear guidelines as to how they should respond to every possible situation.

OH NO, that is not what politicians would ever want to do. They would rather throw the police under the bus, ruin their careers and the lives of their families, rather than make decisions as what responses police should make in various situations.

They should stand up and make these decisions before hand, or if the refuse to do so, then they have to trust the police to decide in that split second between life and death.

Police are retiring in droves, refusing to answer calls in certain areas, all in an effort to protect themselves from political assault. Maybe it is time they use the power of their union and walk out until they get clear guidance from the political windbags as to what actions they should and should not take in every possible situation. Not a list of what not to do if someone resists arrest, but a list of what they should do. If there is no positive guidance, there will be no action.

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