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Friday, September 25, 2020

Mike Bloomberg: Its clear, being rich doesn't make you a political genius



Michael Bloomberg, the once successful mayor of New York city, especially when compared to the present mayor, has now made another very questionable political decision.

He has recently proved that his winning of elections in New York doesn't require a whole lot of political wisdom, just a lot of money and friends. It hasn't played out that good for Mike ever since.

First, one had to laugh when he believed that an ex-republican billionaire Jewish media mogul from New York could win a New democrat party Primary by spending a 100 Million dollars. The democrat consultants were very happy to soak up all that cash, promising results than never materialized. He should have known better, by just listening to democrat activist's platform proposals.

He has been pouring millions into democrat causes for years, for which he has gotten a lot of thank you's but still no respect. He still seems to be politically delusional.

His latest grand gesture is to pay off the fines of ex-convicts in Florida who have been released from jail, but needed to have their fines paid to be allowed to vote. He is reported to be spending over 30 million, assuming they are all going to vote for democrats.

Poor Mike most likely has never known or had a conversation with an ex-convict in his life. While he may have known a lot of potential felons in the political and business world of New York, they were not the same as the felons he is bailing out. His felon friends were mostly never caught. 

Most people in jail are realistic about why they were in jail. The saying, "Don't do the crime if you cant do the time", originated with inmates who chided their fellow inmates who whined about their predicament. This is group of mostly rebellious types, non-conformist's, individualists and generally consider themselves different from mainstream society. That's how they ended up in jail in the first place. They may even promise to vote for Bloomberg's choices for paying off their fines, but again these individuals have been dealing with untrustworthy people their whole lives and will be happy to smile and take the money.

So, Bloomberg believes they will all be grateful for his benevolence, and they will, just like his democrat friends, but who they will identify and vote for is another matter. 

Do you think most ex-cons will identify with Mike Bloomberg or Joe Biden or Mr. non-conformist, rebellious Donald Trump. I would bet on Trump without hesitation.

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