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Friday, February 26, 2021

Democrats want to legalize child abuse.



As pledged during the election campaign Joe biden and the democrats have passed a bill that will endorse gender transition therapy for children. It will eventually likely force insurance companies and medical professionals to engage in these practices. During the campaign, Joe Biden was asked by a mother, concerned about the rights of her 8 year old male child, who she claims is a  transsexual girl. Biden voiced his support to changing all laws concerning gender transition in the military and also for 8 year old children. Having passed the house yesterday this abomination is on its way to becoming the law of the land.

This practice for children is an abhorrent practice that is discarding societies norm of protecting under age children. In this case from their parents and medical professionals who believe they can change the sex of these children.

Gender Dysphoria is claimed to be caused by an imbalance of hormones to the fetus during pregnancy.

Cases are diagnosed by counseling to conclude that the party in question is really a girl in a boys body. 

The prescribed therapy is then to treat the subject with hormone blockers, so that the patient will not mature during puberty as a male. Then they are given female hormones so that they will take on the physical characteristics of a female. One problem is they still will have the sexual parts of a boy.

There is no real possibility of making a male into a functioning female, even with gender reassignment surgery.

Many older people who have engaged in this practice often later regret it. There is also a very high rate of suicide among trans-gender people.

These are not decisions that should be made by minor children or their parents. What do these young children really know about gender and the consequences of this therapy.

This practice should be outlawed, and anyone who is responsible for giving or consenting to such therapy for a minor should be severally punished.

When someone reaches the age of 21, then they can make these decisions, if they think it is what they need to do. Can anyone predict what is going to be someones view of their gender after they go through normal puberty?

These are the types of experiments that we have seen in the past in Nazi Germany. Today, it seems 
anything is acceptable if people are intimidated by fearing they are not politically correct.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Are Americans becoming incompetent and dependent?



It was with astonishment that I watched video's of crying women in Texas who were lamenting the water pouring from their ceilings and destroying their homes. The cause was, of course from frozen pipes caused by a 100 year event. The pipes were likely frozen for days and when it warmed up the water poured from the broken pipes. Did none of them think of turning off the water and possibly shutting off the electric to their pump. You would think everyone would think of a solution other than recording it and putting it on facebook.

Then there is the family suing the electric company, because a child froze to death when the electric went out. How come the other family members did not freeze? Are they saying they have no responsibility for the death of this child? Sounds more like a clear cut case of child neglect. 

We also see the result of the hysteria over renewable, but obviously unreliable renewable energy. Texas is dependent on windmills for 25% of their electric production. Did the experts inform everyone that windmills can freeze up in cold weather, just when the demand for electric goes up multiple amounts. It also has been revealed that windmills need to be kept warm in cold weather with what? electric heat. I suspect that there would be very few windmills and solar panels if they were not subsidized with federal grants and tax credits. 

I of course live in Pennsylvania, and I have been lamenting only seeing the sun for a handful of days in the last 3 months. Guess what, solar panels do not produce electric from daylight, it has to be direct sunlight. So if we were dependent on Solar in Pa. we would have electric for less than 10% of the days. The other thing is they will not work when covered by snow, so it would take a great effort to keep them clear even if the sun were out.

Wind and solar will never be a workable alternative to our present electric generation. Our only options for clean non fossil fuel electric generation is hydroelectric and nuclear power. When are we going to have a debate and discussion about where we are going concerning energy. Electric cars need electric and at present we have no plan to produce safe, clean reliable electric to run them. 

Rather than waste money on solar panels and windmills government money would be more productively spent on research and development of nuclear fusion. A truly clean and renewable energy of the future.

It is just another sign of the incompetence of our leaders and the incompetence of Americans who believe them and are dependent on them.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Congress wants earmarks, bribery by another name.



Congress in their infinite wisdom is claiming that the answer to a more bipartisan congress is to renew the practice of earmarks. This is were the powers that be can induce someone to vote for their bill by offering money or approval of projects in the congressman or senators state. Sometimes it is a trade, you vote for my bill and I will vote for your bill. It is just a form of bribery, plain and simple. It should be illegal, a felony and prosecuted in full. It is not in the best interests of the country.

Now how about some real reforms, why do elected officials operate under a system of seniority, why should one senator or congressman have more power than my senator or congressman. Just because his state keeps reelecting him because he brings home the bacon. It is never mentioned in the constitution that one elected official has more power than any other. House speaker and Senate leaders should be elected by secret ballot. Nominees for these positions and committee chairs should also be put up by secret ballot. This is real democracy. We keep hearing about preserving democracy, but they hypocritically don't want any such thing.

Seniority is an evil and should be unconstitutional. Representatives and senators are under great pressure to support these people and if they don't they will be punished in some way.  Do the citizens of this country believe the seniority system is in the best interest of the country?  Is this how democracy works? Would the Senate and House members vote for this, if given the opportunity? It would be a lot harder for special interests to influence legislation.  This one reform would change a lot about our government. 

Another possible reform is providing representatives an office in their district and this is where they would work. They are to be representatives of their districts to Washington, not representatives of Washington in their district. Congress would convene for 2 30 day sessions a year, mostly just for final voting on legislation. They would be provided housing during their session. All work on legislation would be done at home on zoom or other electronic means. What legislation to be addressed at the next session would be voted on at the end of a session. No voting on legislation in the same session as introduced. This would give representatives time to listen closely to their citizens. This would allow for more bi-partisanship and a more responsive legislature to their voters. It would make representatives more exposed to their district, instead of constantly exposed to the lobbying and elitist mentality of Washington.

Back to earmarks, why not give every representative $1 million annually to be spent on worthy projects in their district. This is only $50 million, a pittance in today's federal budget. Then the taxpayers could look at their representatives priorities. All this money would be the same for all representatives and it would not require a bribe to get it. 

Earmarks will not increase bipartisanship in the government, but it will be legalizing corruption. Eliminating the corrupt seniority system will go a long way in enhancing democracy and also would likely encourage bipartisanship.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, always a positive optimistic message.



I have always been a radio listener,  from pre-television listening when going to bed, until always on as I worked or drove. As a family, we listened to radio in the late 40's and early 50's when we went to bed until we fell asleep, Amos and Andy, Jack Benny and others. Later I remember listening to the Lone Ranger and other stories at bed time.

Later in life I was always self-employed and while I worked at auto body, furniture restoration or in a retail environment, I always had the radio on. I remember listening to Garner Ted Armstrong and Bob Grant in the late 70's and early 80's.  Most of these programs were 30 to 60 minutes and only a minority of programming dealt with politics or other talk radio. Most programing was music and news and weather.

Rush Limbaugh came on the scene in 1988, at the end of the Reagan presidency. If I remember right, the left's big talking point and issue was homelessness, this was before national healthcare. Rush was excellent at dissecting their rational, pointing out the causes and solutions and at the same time playing songs like " I ain't got no home". 

Rush's success was that he validated the thoughts and opinions of millions of American's, who.up until then were discounted and ignored by most of media. Many were outraged that he would dare  to challenge the endorsed opinions. He was successful because he was real, he really believed what he said and so did millions of Americans.  He was able to present his opinions in a entertaining, sometimes humorous and optimistic way.

It was amazing that he could do a talk show, with him doing the vast majority of the talking, that was entertaining, enlightening and insightful. He did this for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. If anyone has done speeches we know that after 20 minutes people start to loose interest. Rush had new material everyday and keep listeners attention for the whole 3 hours. It is a feat that is unlikely to be duplicated.

Again, his success was due to his authenticity, he believed what he said and would back it up with good arguments. He loved America and the opportunity it provides. He believed, as many conservatives, that all people have talents to make them successful, what is needed is cultivating those talents, doing something that you love and working hard..

Rush loved doing radio. He started out in Sacramento, California, was the announcer for the Kansas City Royals and finally found his place at age 37 in his famous Rush Limbaugh show. 

He was successful because he was authentic, loved what he did, and worked very hard. 


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bureaucratic bungling of Capital security.



The capital police force has a contingent of 2000 officers and a $460 million budget to provide security for the 270 acre U.S. capitol. Their main back-up is the D.C. metropolitan police. Stephen Sund was the chief of police of the capital police on January 6. He and most of those under him were forced to resign by Nancy Polisi the day after the Jan. 6 incident. The capital police force is controlled by the house speaker and the senate leader through the capital police board.

In the days preceding the January 6. rally all those concerned had information that this rally was going to be exceptionally large and that there were some unruly behaviour expected. Chief Sund, asked anyone who would listen, for National guard back-up six times and was rejected every time. National guard has to be requested by the mayor of D.C. Muriel Bowser. It then has to be approved by the Pentagon.

Earlier it was reported that President Trump told Christopher Miller acting secretary of defence that he was letting them make their decisions concerning this event. He told them that a lot of people were coming and he recommended 10,000 national guard be brought in. Muriel Bowser would only approve 340 unarmed national guard.

The capital police knew they had a security problem as soon as 1:00 pm and started asking for help. There really was not much help quickly available. A reported conference call between D.C.government, capital police and the pentagon took place at 2.26 PM. The pentagon was reluctant to send in national guard as they didnt want to create a negative visual. They offered to back-up D.C. police so they could send more of their officers.

Finally, national guard was approved at 3.04 pm. It took approximately 2 more hours until they arrived on the scene. It would have been better if someone would have had complete authority to make these decisions, not just after the crisis was ongoing but beforehand. There could easily have been national guard stationed nearby in ready so they could have been deployed in minutes not hours.

Whenever you get emergency bureaucratic decisions, most freeze with fear that they will be responsible for a wrong decision. Their fear can be born out with the forced resignation by all those in leadership at the time, even when they were hindered in their job by other bureaucratic fear, when they attempted to make preparations beforehand.

We now hear calls for a 9/11 type of commission, a so called bi-partisan effort, a very unlikely proposition. You can bet it will all focus on Donald Trump, the arch enemy of the bureaucratic state.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

It should be simple to get schools open.



There seems to be a dilemma about opening the schools, it should not be that hard. First, if some teachers are elderly or have health issues, let them take a voluntary lay-off. Voluntary lay-offs have been part of union negotiations for decades in other industries. Let the younger teachers open the schools and give opportunity to young teachers to fill in openings, if needed.

Some parents may fear sending their children back to school. Possibly because some children may have underlying health issues or their relatives who they live with have health issues.  Ok, give them options to fulfill their education requirement. Help them choose other possibilities. Maybe even give them a partial subsidy to make all this possible.

Just a matter of listening to the concerns of teachers and parents, while letting them know that the schools are going to open. Let them all make choices that make them comfortable it a positive way. Time to get over the one size fits all policy and forcing administrations to be put in a position to please everyone. Lay out the fact,  the schools are going to open and it is up to parents and teachers to make choices that make them feel comfortable.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Trump aquited again: Democrats, do you feel better now?



For 5 days the Democrats showcased their unrelenting hatred of Donald Trump, it ended the same as the Russian collusion fiasco, the Ukrainian /Biden corruption impeachment, emoluments, Stormy Daniels and numerous scandals initiated by anonymous unnamed sources. Will they ever step back and reevaluate their strategy for dealing with Donald Trump. I suspect not, they apparently just can't control themselves. 

What we witnessed is reminiscent of the Kavanaugh hearings. There is no depth that the democrat's will not stoop to accomplish their goal. It is amazing that they cannot overcome their hate and delusion to see themselves as half the country and the rest of the world sees them. I assume they just keep patting themselves on the back and congratulating themselves on a job well done. The media will also portray them as the relentless warriors for democracy and an example for the world.

Their performance just reinforced the belief that they cannot be trusted, ever. That anyone who behaves in this manner would undoubtedly do whatever is necessary to win an election. After all, that is how all this started, with an election that was suspect and just reinforced by their insistence that no one dare question anything to do with it. WHY?  If everything was on the up and up, they should be the first to call for a full audit and analysis, but no, they as much want to make questions about the election  unpatriotic and possibly illegal. WHY? 

As for Donald Trump, I suspect he will adapt to his new role in the political affairs of the nation. It looks like Biden is going to give him a lot of ammunition. I suspect he is fomenting a plan that may very well be more than just running for president. Will the media be able to resist talking about Donald Trump? Will the Democrats be able to ignore Donald Trump? I doubt it. 

Then there is the Trump or I should say the America first supporters, are they going to become  establishment republicans and vote for the likes of Toomey, Romney, Flake or Bush, I don't think so.  They are the new Republican party. I suspect there is going to be a lot of contested primaries in the future.

Many establishment republicans will join the ranks of Dent, Flake and McCain in being rewarded for their alliance with democrats and the bureaucratic state with ambassadorships and jobs in think tanks and the media. The deep state can still protect and nurture their loyal servants. After all, isn't that the goal of the majority of so called public servants.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Republican establishment prefers being minority party.



We continue to hear the refrain from the republican establishment, both in the house and the senate, that they have a higher sense of honor and want to preserve the integrity and the history of the institutions of government. That it is more important to appear in a good light rather than make any changes in the direction of the country. Appearance and acceptance by the opposition and the media is what really counts, even if they are a minority party in perpetuity.

The opposition just keeps stroking them and praising them for their honor and integrity, all the while laughing as they transform the country into something we have yet to understand. They would never dream of stooping as low as the democrats to become a majority party.

History bears this out, the republicans were a minority party in the house from 1955 to 1995. While they were able to win the presidency a few times, they never were able to change much. President Reagan was an outlier, not the first choice of the establishment, they prefered George Bush the 1st. Reagan attracted the attention of the people, both democrats and republicans and the republicans won the senate from 1981-1987. He actually brought a renewed interest to the republican party.

It was the aggressive actions of Newt Gingrich and a few other house members, along with the overreach of the democrats that gave the republicans the majority in the house and senate in the election of 1994. First republican majority in both houses in 40 years. Gingrich was not afraid to rock the boat. The big issues were national healthcare and gun control. Gingrich and Bill Clinton worked well together and had a very successful working relationship. It allowed Clinton to win his second term. 

The republican establishment claimed that Gingrich was just too divisive, too aggressive. He often used  democrat tactics to win. They proceeded to force him out of the speakership and replace him with pedophile Dennis Hastert in 1999.  Hastert could be controlled, one must wonder why? The republicans held the house from 1995-2007. The republicans regained the house from 2011-2019 not because of establishment nominee's Romney or McCain but because of the tea parties grass root outrage at the democrat overreach. Republicans no longer could support candidates who wanted to go the same place as the democrats. 

Now we hear establishment republicans, the media and, of  course, the democrats counselling the republican party that they must reject the policies of Donald Trump, because they are just too divisive, too aggressive, too much like the strategies of the democrats. Donald Trump was the candidate that grass roots republicans had been waiting for since 1988 and if he should run again he will win the nomination of the party. IT IS THE POLICY STUPID, what ever they want to say to demonize Trump, his policy is what motivated the republican party. His policies were tailored to be in the best interest of the country, the whole country. The United States, not China or those, who along with their whole relation, are perpetually living off the teet of the country.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Trump told them they needed 10,000 National guard on Jan. 5.



I must admit I did not watch much of yesterdays show trial. I expect it was an as expected anti-Trump diatribe as usual. 

I wonder if it was ever revealed that on January 5, Trump advised Christopher Miller and Kash Patel that they would need 10,000 national guard for the next days rally. This is verified by an eye witness for  Vanity fair, reporter Adam Ciralsky in his article of January 22. This request was shut down by Muriel Bowser, mayor of D.C. who authorized 340 unarmed National Guard.

While the events of January 6 were a very unfortunate, things would have been easily kept under control if adequate security would have been provided. They of course, want to blame Trump for a rally that got out of control, no one I am sure will look at who had the authority to provide adequate security, It was not the president.

Eye witness's on the steps of the capital recount how there were people there with bull horns urging the crowd to move forward. When things got out of hand these observers moved away, knowing it was not the right thing to do. Those also present recounted that if the crowd wanted overtake the capital it could not have been stopped by the security present. While there seemed to be some who wanted to destroy property, most were there only to express themselves vocally.

It has also been recounted by many, that earlier in the day, protesters were allowed in by the security and many walked around the rotunda within the roped areas. They then were asked to leave and they did. It was later that those who had evil intent broke windows and tore down barriers. It can be assumed that some were caught up in the mob mentality and went were they should have not gone. Those who damaged things and encouraged law breaking will likely be prosecuted.

We hear democratic lawmakers, some who were not even at the capital that day complain that they have suffered life altering trauma, and that they may be counselling for years because they have suffered so much. 

Where was their empathy for the hundreds killed, thousand injured, billions of dollars of damage inflicted on the cities of America, by the mobs with ties to the leadership of the democrat party. Many who were praised and bailed out of jail, even by the current Vice -President. Many never prosecuted at the insistence of democrat politicians. Much of this orchestrated for political advantage, just like the show trial going on now, just another opportunity to gain some political advantage.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Democrat show trial reminiscent of soviet era.



Today is the beginning of the second show trial of Donald Trump. The first was orchestrated to distract from the real corruption of the Biden family in its relations with Ukraine. This second is to distract from the allegations of election fraud. Both are an attempt to diminish, embarrass and disqualify Trump from public life. 

They still believe that if they can use their theatrics to show Trump in a negative way, it will both be a warning to other outsiders to not challenge the power of the bureaucratic state and make him an unacceptable voice in the future. This has been the strategy of the complicit media, democrats and establishment republicans since Trump announced his candidacy. While they have succeeded in removing him from office, they still fear he will be a power in the future and possibly a candidate for office.

This whole affair is an unconstitutional effort that even the chief justice of the supreme court has refused to participate. This whole process could likely be squashed by an appeal to the court that it is indeed unconstitutional, but maybe a trial should be engaged in, just to show the deranged mentally of the democrats and their allies. We can bet they will engage in all kinds of elaborate emotional appeals that will have nothing to do with the law. 

The first motion made to the court should be to remove the partisan appointed judge that the democrats just stuck in the position. The whole process is an joke. Hopefully they will live to regret going down this path as it again gives Trump a public forum to talk about things they will likely not want to talk about. Hopefully they call witnesses other than partisan hacks like Adam Schiff, who should be disqualified from public office for his open abuse of power. We may well see video of Schumer himself publicly threatening the court. 

We will see the democrats likely will be able to control the trial to do whatever they want. It is likely to be an exercise in partisan dishonesty.

I expect the usual never Trumper republicans to vote for impeachment, even though it is an impossibility to remove someone from office who is not in office. I suspect there are other republicans who would like to vote against Trump, but will have to weigh if they are willing to end their political career. Those who want to run for president or vice president in 2024 will find them selves in quandary. If Trump should run, they will not succeed. If they vote against Trump they will not be viable in the republican party.

I suspect the democrat's gamble on this whole unsavory affair,  is to diminish Trump and as many republican senators as possible. We will see if they can do it without diminishing  themselves.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Biden looks to interventionist past with foreign policy.



As expected, the Biden administration is reverting back to the interventionist, destabilizing foreign policy of the past. He has now stopped all U.S. troop withdrawals from the middle east and Germany. He is stopping arms sales to Saudi Arabia and hinting at sending troops into Yemen. This is the same foreign policy that has destabilized the middle east for the last 30 years. The same foreign policy that resulted in the death of 100's of thousands of middle east civilians, 1000's of U.S. youth and the wasting of Trillions of U.S. wealth. The same policy that has contributed to the destabilization of Europe.

In the last 4 years the stabilization of the middle east was making fantastic progress. The Arab nations in the region saw a new U.S. policy of help rather than domination. It created an atmosphere of trust not seen for decades. It seems Biden and his foreign policy architects are ready to resume their policy of intervention and destabilization. 

It appears they are willing to restart their regime change agenda in Syria. Normalization of Syria has been underway with many Syrians returning home. ISIS has been eliminated as an organized threat to stability. Iran has been economically pressured to cut back on their meddling in Yemen, Syria and North Africa. Introducing regime change and domination measures will reignite many anti-american feelings in the area. It is obvious these masterminds of our foreign policy do not want peace and stability.

The local nations have been working for a long range plan for the democratization of Syria. They have made peace with Israel. This has advanced an agenda of mutual self interest and cooperation by the countries in the region. As this cooperation is strengthened and trust is gained these countries will be able to bring about peace and prosperity for the whole region. They should tell Biden with a unified voice to back down.

We can expect to see more intervention in the internal affairs of eastern Europe and Russia. It appears they will be engaging in efforts for regime change in Russia. This will result in push back with likely cyber attacks and other clandistime efforts to retaliate against the U.S. It will lead to a new cold war escalation that may be good for profits for arms producers, but will make the world a more dangerous place.

All this while we will see our energy independence and freedom from foreign energy leverage  evaporate.  Eliminating thousands of American workers jobs that again will cause a large amount of wealth to leave this countries shores. I see no positive developments emanating from the policies of this administration. Just a poorer, more dependent, more entangled and unsustainable American future.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Renewable energy advocates can have it now.



We keep hearing about the joys of renewable energy from wind mills and solar panels. Why doesn't anyone do it? With present laws and regulations in place, consumers can buy their electric from anyone they please and have it transmitted over the existing infrastructure, it is a possible enterprise.

All that is required is the money to purchase or lease the land to install solar panels and windmills, buy the equipment and hook it up to the grid. It can be done right now. Why do we have to enact laws, regulations and executive orders to put the existing producers out of business first.

Actually why not make it an electric cooperative.  Willing customers can buy stock in these new companies and then they can have electric power at cost from their very own jointly owned cooperative. It is the dream they have been advocating for decades, what is holding them back?

If they really believe in this new future, they can be the new example for the world, all with the possibility of making a return in the future. Why is this not happening now?

The advocates of renewable electric have been pouring billions of dollars of contributions into political campaigns for years. Hoping the politicians will fulfill their dream. What are they thinking? Use those billions and show the world what is possible. Do it now.  

I am sure they have enough friendly advocates in local government to give the required permits, they may even be able to get some government grants to help them along. I just don't understand why this is not happening.

Just think, every community could have their own renewable energy source now. 

I am sure those billionaires in Silicon valley could be persuaded into putting up a few billion.

It would be great to show America and the world that their dreams can become reality now. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Are we now entering a period of political economic warfare?



We see many of Biden's executive orders devastating the economies of Texas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Louisiana and any state that has a large fossil fuel industry. We see no effort to moderate his damage, just a promise of green jobs in the future. Jobs that likely will not exist without government subsidies and will most likely be in China. We see China actually buying up closed coal mines in this country and shipping the coal back to China and creating more pollution than in this country. 

At the same time his stimulus is designed to shift massive amounts of  money to blue states to bail out their declining economies. Mostly declining because of their failed policies.  Most of the money will be transferred to the government sector of the economy, not to workers or business.

Private business will prosper if only given the chance without interference from the government.

So, if this is a planned effort to shift prosperity from red states to blue states, it will only worsen the political divide. It will necessitate a legal coordinated effort from the red states to show the rest of the country that they are an integral and necessary part of the economy. Diminishing them will diminish the whole country. 

Some possibilities are, don't purchase anything originating in blue states. Don't use communication networks that are nationwide and political, choose local providers.  Increase the outreach to other red states to do business with each other and avoid doing business with blue state. Most of the country is dependent on red states for food and a lot of other basic necessities. It does not take a big imagination to consider making sure that products shipped to red states end up costing more, after all they all have more regulation, taxes and increased cost to do business with, consider it an equality tax.

Where do all the utility workers come from when there is a hurricane or ice storm? They come from the south and other red states, because they are more efficient and cost less than having in house repairmen. Maybe blue states will either have to have their own or wait till they get to them.

Blue states are notorious for penalizing truckers with fines, harassment, taxes and all kinds of rules and regulations. Maybe products should be dropped off at state line warehouses and distributed from there.

If these abuses are to be the policy of the Biden administration for the next 4 years, then it should be demonstrated that this is a two way street. I would bet that the red states can survive better on their own than vice versa.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Unintended consequenses of a $15.00 minimum wage.


Why not a $25.00 minimum wage?


New York and California have recently enacted a $15.00 minimum wage. It will be phased in over several years.  The reason, they claim, is to insure a living wage. I doubt that $15.00 is a living wage in California and New York, it may in some areas of the country, but not there. So, if they really want to provide a living wage, they should do a study and calculate a number. They say they are giving workers a pay raise, but they are actually forcing someone else to give a pay raise, without considering if it is economically possible.  Of course we all know this is no more than political grandstanding. This interfering in the price of labor's worth will not end in the desired results. Understand, that I acknowledge that bottom end wages are too low, but the question is how are they raised in a sustainable way.
First off, welfare pays more than $15.00 hour in 13 states, Pennsylvania is 19th on the list and  pays $28,830, and this is tax free. That comes out to $13.95 for a 40 hr week. Allowing for taxes likely $17.00 an hour. The Cato Institute released a study in 2014 showing welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states. It is not unusual for workers to take off and refuse overtime, as it will restrict or threaten their benefits. The average middle income is now $50,000 down from $54,000 at the beginning of the recession.  Welfare benefits range from a high of $60,590 in Hawaii to $21,910 in South Carolina  which is 34th on the list. Many employers are now finding it hard to find competent workers. While the low wages are part of the problem, it is not the whole picture, as many companies have room for rapid advancement, but there are few employees who are willing to do what is required to advance. Many believe that just being there is enough to be paid. 
The question is who decides what the minimum wage should be? Are all workers valued the same? Are some worth more than others?  I do know that one large retailer in particular has made an effort to hire some challenged workers, will they still be able to do that ? Will these worker then forever loose the pride of working? Will they now just be destined to welfare forever? The affordable care act has already limited full time employment, will this add to this problem? How many small business's will now have to cut workers, keeping only the very best or cut back to just the employer him or herself?
The fast food industry is already looking at machines that will produce 300 hamburgers and hour and ordering will be done by a touch screen or voice recognition technology. It will be improvise or be uncompetitive.  I would be willing to bet the number of the employed will decline, not increase.
The only way to raise incomes in a sustainable way is to increase economic activity in business's that produces wealth, sorry but this is manufacturing.  All government workers, all retailers, all service industries are jobs on the expense side of the national balance sheet.  Borrowing money to rebuild infrastructure will not work, it will provide jobs temporarily, but is not the answer to long term prosperity. Long term prosperity can only come about by producing wealth and when wealth producing activity produces a competition for labor then real wages will grow. This is real economic reality. 

Originally published 4/16/2016.  Just as relevant today

Monday, February 1, 2021

You should know what vaccine is best for you.



Over 100 different companies are researching, developing and testing covid-19 vaccines. Some are completely new and have never before been approved for human use. Some use the traditional method of creating a immune response and some are a combination of the two.

MRNA or messenger RNA vaccines trigger our body to make a protein or a piece of a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. It triggers our cells to create antibodies to the virus. These vaccines have never been approved for human use and are now approved on a emergency use basis. Examples are Pfizer and Moderna vaccine, the most well known so far. The long term effects of these vaccines are yet to be determined.

Viral vector vaccines, These vaccines use a harmless virus, often the common cold virus to transmit the instructions to trigger the production of antibodies. They do not interact with our DNA. Examples are Oxford Astra Zeneca, Sputnik V and Johnson and Johnson. While these vaccines have not had the stongest response in their testing, they are expected to protect against severe outcomes from Covid-19. They have been around for some time and considered quite safe.

Whole Virus or weakened virus is the long established traditional vaccine we have had for decades. It uses a whole weakened or inactive Covid-19 virus that triggers the bodies immune system to create antibodies, much the same as actually contracting the illness without the severe results. The weakened virus may cause some slight illness, the inactived form will not. Valneva is working on this type of vaccine. It is not yet tested or approved. These types of vaccines have been used safely and effectivly for decades.

Protein subunit vaccine is made from pieces of the targeted virus, It may be the outer spike protein of the Covid virus. It is not a live virus and is very safe, has been used successfully for some time. These are being tested by Novavax and Chinese Science Academy.

So, depending on your age and health, you might want to use this information to explore all the possible vaccines that will be available and make a choice as to what you feel is a vaccine that you will feel comfortable taking. Of course, this little article is just a brief view of the differnt approaches and who is peursuing what kind of vaccine. I would reccomend further analysis and conversations with your doctor, who I am sure, is looking at all these approaches.