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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Are Americans becoming incompetent and dependent?



It was with astonishment that I watched video's of crying women in Texas who were lamenting the water pouring from their ceilings and destroying their homes. The cause was, of course from frozen pipes caused by a 100 year event. The pipes were likely frozen for days and when it warmed up the water poured from the broken pipes. Did none of them think of turning off the water and possibly shutting off the electric to their pump. You would think everyone would think of a solution other than recording it and putting it on facebook.

Then there is the family suing the electric company, because a child froze to death when the electric went out. How come the other family members did not freeze? Are they saying they have no responsibility for the death of this child? Sounds more like a clear cut case of child neglect. 

We also see the result of the hysteria over renewable, but obviously unreliable renewable energy. Texas is dependent on windmills for 25% of their electric production. Did the experts inform everyone that windmills can freeze up in cold weather, just when the demand for electric goes up multiple amounts. It also has been revealed that windmills need to be kept warm in cold weather with what? electric heat. I suspect that there would be very few windmills and solar panels if they were not subsidized with federal grants and tax credits. 

I of course live in Pennsylvania, and I have been lamenting only seeing the sun for a handful of days in the last 3 months. Guess what, solar panels do not produce electric from daylight, it has to be direct sunlight. So if we were dependent on Solar in Pa. we would have electric for less than 10% of the days. The other thing is they will not work when covered by snow, so it would take a great effort to keep them clear even if the sun were out.

Wind and solar will never be a workable alternative to our present electric generation. Our only options for clean non fossil fuel electric generation is hydroelectric and nuclear power. When are we going to have a debate and discussion about where we are going concerning energy. Electric cars need electric and at present we have no plan to produce safe, clean reliable electric to run them. 

Rather than waste money on solar panels and windmills government money would be more productively spent on research and development of nuclear fusion. A truly clean and renewable energy of the future.

It is just another sign of the incompetence of our leaders and the incompetence of Americans who believe them and are dependent on them.

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