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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Democrat show trial reminiscent of soviet era.



Today is the beginning of the second show trial of Donald Trump. The first was orchestrated to distract from the real corruption of the Biden family in its relations with Ukraine. This second is to distract from the allegations of election fraud. Both are an attempt to diminish, embarrass and disqualify Trump from public life. 

They still believe that if they can use their theatrics to show Trump in a negative way, it will both be a warning to other outsiders to not challenge the power of the bureaucratic state and make him an unacceptable voice in the future. This has been the strategy of the complicit media, democrats and establishment republicans since Trump announced his candidacy. While they have succeeded in removing him from office, they still fear he will be a power in the future and possibly a candidate for office.

This whole affair is an unconstitutional effort that even the chief justice of the supreme court has refused to participate. This whole process could likely be squashed by an appeal to the court that it is indeed unconstitutional, but maybe a trial should be engaged in, just to show the deranged mentally of the democrats and their allies. We can bet they will engage in all kinds of elaborate emotional appeals that will have nothing to do with the law. 

The first motion made to the court should be to remove the partisan appointed judge that the democrats just stuck in the position. The whole process is an joke. Hopefully they will live to regret going down this path as it again gives Trump a public forum to talk about things they will likely not want to talk about. Hopefully they call witnesses other than partisan hacks like Adam Schiff, who should be disqualified from public office for his open abuse of power. We may well see video of Schumer himself publicly threatening the court. 

We will see the democrats likely will be able to control the trial to do whatever they want. It is likely to be an exercise in partisan dishonesty.

I expect the usual never Trumper republicans to vote for impeachment, even though it is an impossibility to remove someone from office who is not in office. I suspect there are other republicans who would like to vote against Trump, but will have to weigh if they are willing to end their political career. Those who want to run for president or vice president in 2024 will find them selves in quandary. If Trump should run, they will not succeed. If they vote against Trump they will not be viable in the republican party.

I suspect the democrat's gamble on this whole unsavory affair,  is to diminish Trump and as many republican senators as possible. We will see if they can do it without diminishing  themselves.


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