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Monday, February 15, 2021

Trump aquited again: Democrats, do you feel better now?



For 5 days the Democrats showcased their unrelenting hatred of Donald Trump, it ended the same as the Russian collusion fiasco, the Ukrainian /Biden corruption impeachment, emoluments, Stormy Daniels and numerous scandals initiated by anonymous unnamed sources. Will they ever step back and reevaluate their strategy for dealing with Donald Trump. I suspect not, they apparently just can't control themselves. 

What we witnessed is reminiscent of the Kavanaugh hearings. There is no depth that the democrat's will not stoop to accomplish their goal. It is amazing that they cannot overcome their hate and delusion to see themselves as half the country and the rest of the world sees them. I assume they just keep patting themselves on the back and congratulating themselves on a job well done. The media will also portray them as the relentless warriors for democracy and an example for the world.

Their performance just reinforced the belief that they cannot be trusted, ever. That anyone who behaves in this manner would undoubtedly do whatever is necessary to win an election. After all, that is how all this started, with an election that was suspect and just reinforced by their insistence that no one dare question anything to do with it. WHY?  If everything was on the up and up, they should be the first to call for a full audit and analysis, but no, they as much want to make questions about the election  unpatriotic and possibly illegal. WHY? 

As for Donald Trump, I suspect he will adapt to his new role in the political affairs of the nation. It looks like Biden is going to give him a lot of ammunition. I suspect he is fomenting a plan that may very well be more than just running for president. Will the media be able to resist talking about Donald Trump? Will the Democrats be able to ignore Donald Trump? I doubt it. 

Then there is the Trump or I should say the America first supporters, are they going to become  establishment republicans and vote for the likes of Toomey, Romney, Flake or Bush, I don't think so.  They are the new Republican party. I suspect there is going to be a lot of contested primaries in the future.

Many establishment republicans will join the ranks of Dent, Flake and McCain in being rewarded for their alliance with democrats and the bureaucratic state with ambassadorships and jobs in think tanks and the media. The deep state can still protect and nurture their loyal servants. After all, isn't that the goal of the majority of so called public servants.

1 comment:

  1. It will never stop .The Democrats have to bury Repiblicans


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