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Monday, February 1, 2021

You should know what vaccine is best for you.



Over 100 different companies are researching, developing and testing covid-19 vaccines. Some are completely new and have never before been approved for human use. Some use the traditional method of creating a immune response and some are a combination of the two.

MRNA or messenger RNA vaccines trigger our body to make a protein or a piece of a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. It triggers our cells to create antibodies to the virus. These vaccines have never been approved for human use and are now approved on a emergency use basis. Examples are Pfizer and Moderna vaccine, the most well known so far. The long term effects of these vaccines are yet to be determined.

Viral vector vaccines, These vaccines use a harmless virus, often the common cold virus to transmit the instructions to trigger the production of antibodies. They do not interact with our DNA. Examples are Oxford Astra Zeneca, Sputnik V and Johnson and Johnson. While these vaccines have not had the stongest response in their testing, they are expected to protect against severe outcomes from Covid-19. They have been around for some time and considered quite safe.

Whole Virus or weakened virus is the long established traditional vaccine we have had for decades. It uses a whole weakened or inactive Covid-19 virus that triggers the bodies immune system to create antibodies, much the same as actually contracting the illness without the severe results. The weakened virus may cause some slight illness, the inactived form will not. Valneva is working on this type of vaccine. It is not yet tested or approved. These types of vaccines have been used safely and effectivly for decades.

Protein subunit vaccine is made from pieces of the targeted virus, It may be the outer spike protein of the Covid virus. It is not a live virus and is very safe, has been used successfully for some time. These are being tested by Novavax and Chinese Science Academy.

So, depending on your age and health, you might want to use this information to explore all the possible vaccines that will be available and make a choice as to what you feel is a vaccine that you will feel comfortable taking. Of course, this little article is just a brief view of the differnt approaches and who is peursuing what kind of vaccine. I would reccomend further analysis and conversations with your doctor, who I am sure, is looking at all these approaches.

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