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Monday, June 28, 2021

In effort to disparage constitution, Biden disqualifies himself.



In an attempt to dismiss the 2nd Amendment to the constitution, Biden has gone far off the deep end in his recounting of history and reality. While the United States government refused to use nuclear weapons in Vietnam and Korea, he insinuates this government would use these weapons against its own population. He also stated that airpower would be used against our own population, the same thing that this country rightly categorizes as human right abuse whenever it is used by others.

Biden also needs a lesson in history, the civilian population in the United States has always had superior weapons to the government. The colonists had better rifles than the British, who were the government at the time. The Indians had Winchester repeating arms at the little big Horn while Custer had single shot springfields. The gangsters of the 1920's had better weapons than most law enforcement. And most of all, does Biden really believe our citizens soldiers would use this massive fire power on their brothers and sisters or tell the bureaucratic elites in Washington and their politically appointed generals to take a hike or worse.

In effect, the citizens of this country could very easily have access to almost all of the weapons in the government arsenal.

Is this the road this president wants to travel, instead of listening to the grievances of the citizens, he wants to intimidate them with the threat of unlimited military power. All the more reason for everyone to protect the second amendment at all costs.

In an effort to minimize the importance of the ability of the people to defend themselves he has truly disqualified himself to serve as a president of these United States. 

Biden ran as a great unifier, this was, as usual with career politicians, just so much hot air. Both Biden and his party are hell bent on amassing as much political and now even military power to make sure that they can become a permanent ruling party. His contempt for the second amendment goes along with his contempt for the first amendment, the fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth and tenth  amendments. In effect he really doesn't believe any of those rights should be had by the people. The reality is the constitution and bill of rights is all considered irrelevant when it interferes with their dream of transforming  the United States into some kind of socialist dictatorship.

1 comment:

  1. I saw on Fox Biden bombed Syria .Not much about on CNN'S homepage


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