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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Is the new goal equity rather than equal opportunity?



The attacks on Northern European and American culture are now in an all out effort for total destruction. At the same time, millions continue to attempt to migrate to countries based on those principles from countries who more or less have embraced some forms of the replacement polices advocated by the political and social activists. 

Maybe we could just trade in those old marxist activists for new immigrants.Would that then create peace and tranquility? 

We continue to hear about the injustices of slavery that was an ongoing practice all around the world primarily in  places without the rule of an established government or legal system. A practice that continues to this day in many of the same places were their ancestors came from. Places without stable governments and legal systems. I don't believe I have ever heard of complaints about those places. 

What about all the sexual slavery ongoing today in many American cities controlled by minority administrations. Not a word! Many are likely profiting from that new slavery.

It was an evolving white dominated culture based on christian principles that ended the government endorsed slavery in the developed world. It was such a culture that advocated for self government over authoritarian governments. It was that culture that endorsed the principles of equal opportunity for everyone.  

We now hear cries that we need more government authority to ensure equity for everyone, which  in effect means,  we want what you have earned and accumulated without doing what it took multiple generations, living by the principles that resulted in the accumulation of wealth.

These same people who talk of equity, reject an intact family. They reject patriarchy, which allows a man to be the head of his household and also requires him to be responsible for his family. If you want a father to be responsible for his family, you will need him to be the principal authority in his family. A father guided by christian principles and love for his family. They endorse single parent families and absentee fatherhood. 

They reject capitalism, but want to have access to the fruits of someone else's hard work created through capitalism.  Capitalism, as it should be practised, is the freedom to seek your own destiny and to keep the fruit of your labor. Freedom to prosper and freedom to fail. It produces innovation, creativity and prosperity for families and societies.The guidelines for capitalism have always been christian principles. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The best transactions are when both parties are happy about the transaction.

The rejection of christianity is the rejecting of all principles that will ensure a healthy and prosperous family and society. Laws created by government will never create stability, if the governed only obey by the threat of that law. Laws can only punish the wrongdoer, it cannot promote stability. Only self restraint guided by some other motive, such as religious belief, can ensure that stability. Only when there's peace and stability can there be prosperity.

We are now in a era of instability and chaos, intentionally created by those who want to eliminate all culture and religion. If we continue on this path we can expect the devolution of both man, families and society.  

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