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Monday, June 7, 2021

Obama's political race strategy is now permanent.



During the 2012 presidential campaign the Obama campaign admitted that they felt they could win the election without the support of white male voters. They focused their campaign on a  high turnout among blacks, young white women, the LGBT community, immigrants and the traditional union and government  workers. That strategy has now evolved into not just ignoring white male voters but those voters are now labeled as the enemies of democracy. We see a continual focus of the Biden administration and its supporters in the media that white people are the enemy of all things fair and moral.

The basis of their political focus is that white males have suppressed women, blacks, immigrants, gays and any other group that they can exploit to win votes and gain power. It is amazing, when the power structure of the democrat party and the media is made up predominantly of white males. 

Today, all policy, all focus is on racial division. It is primarily using white males as foil's to enhance the democrat political power. It is the age old strategy of encouraging a feeling of victimhood on any group that feels under represented or not enjoying the same economic success as others. While this may be a short term successful strategy, what will be the long term consequences of this strategy? Will this strategy really bring a better economic or social position for their favored victims?

We have seen the me-to movement which has encouraged severe penalties on any male that has offended  female employees. While we know that many of these complaints are justified it has been used mainly against white males to the point that even accusations are cause of permanent destruction. Will this attitude, in the long run, really improve the lot of working women, or will it discourage any mentoring or personal interaction between the sexes in the work place. Safest strategy for a white male is to not ever be alone with a female co-worker in or out of the workplace.

While black employees have made inroads into power positions in business, the present climate has made any unscripted or personal relationship less likely. It may be best to stick to strickly business and avoid any conversation that will result in legal or an HR situation. I do believe racial relations are not improving but deteriorating. In fact, both races may be considering segregation a safer option for the future.

At the same time, we see the increase of incentives to become dependent on government programs and and avoid becoming part of the economy.  This has been a tried and possibly successful strategy of the democrats for decades, but it has now been taken to the next level. Under the guise of searching for economic equality, will handouts and promising sustenance benefit the lives of those who take advantage of these benefits? Or will it just sentence a new generation of victims to be convinced that their status is just a symptom of white suppression?

It seems any destruction that is necessary for the increase of political power and control is just collateral damage in the quest for the new America.


  1. the Democratic National Committee quickly realized Hillary Clinton did not go after The African American vote which came out in droves for President Obama.Joe Biden never forgot this mistake and the rest is history

  2. encouraging a big turnout of black voters is one thing, demonizing whites and engaging in racist tactics is another.


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