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Thursday, April 6, 2023

Confidence and trust are necessary for human interaction.



It has always been clearly stated that the stock market is all about confidence, confidence in the future of a company and confidence in the future of a country. That also applies to every other human interaction, we have contracts and legal statutes that help to enforce this confidence and trust, but no one would be willing to rely solely on these promises.

What we see within our nation today is  the greatest decline in confidence and trust in this government both by the domestic population and the world. Once lost, how is it to be regained? 

I hear this lack of  trust everywhere, it is escalating. Some people are taking money out of their bank and are bewildered what to do with it. Many no longer believe anything that comes from the government. Many have much lower confidence in the future of this country. The the worst part is, some, including myself have come to believe it is all an intentional assault on our country from within. This may be the result of a lose of all confidence in the exiting government and its adherence to the laws and constitution, which are the basis of trust and confidence.

We watch as one by one foreign countries who once had a very positive view of the United States are deciding to separate themselves, as much as they can from the United States. Why? Are they stupid, misinformed or is that they no longer trust the good intentions of this country. Is there an actual fear that we are an untrustworthy partner both in business and politics and the repercussions can be sanctions, freezing of assets and attempt to overthrow there government? Has the death of millions and the destruction of countries just been the results of misplaced and accidents of our foreign policy or is it all intentional?

We have lived and prospered by having the dollar as the most trusted currency in the world. No more, trust in the dollar is decreasing by the day. One is the debasement of the currency by deficit speeding which is accelerating and if this administration has its way will explode beyond comprehension. These acts are, in effect, fraud perpetuated on anyone who accept this currency as something of value. Then we hear of plans to reset, to force a digital currency or other exotic ideas about how to rescue the government from their incompetence. Who will suffer the loses from these experiments? The poorest and least suspecting we can assume.

Then there is use of the dollar as a weapon to force submission whether economically, politically or even social ideas that abhorrent to much of the world.

I wonder who, in today's atmosphere, has more confidence in the future of this country? Can confidence be restored, even with a change of presidents or other elected official? While life is still going on, there is a feeling of apprehension and doom that is descending on this country. It is growing without any signs of diminishing. I encounter it everyday in the interaction with others of all political persuasions. Many are expecting catastrophe in one form or another.

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