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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

"You are either with us or against us" U.S. foreign policy, Is now more like, "Whack a Mole".



While the media concentrates on soap opera domestic politics the world is falling apart or I should say falling away from the United States. The developing re alignment around the world is amazing and escalating. It is a sad day for the United States as it has squandered much of the good will and trust it took decades to build. It will also be a sad future for all Americans when the results of this misguided foreign policy become reality.

We see peace initiatives in Syria and the middle east underway with Russia and China acting as the diplomatic managers. It is becoming clear that the gulf countries are hoping to distance themselves from U.S. foreign policy. They have had enough division, death and destruction. We can expect pressure on the U.S. to withdraw the remaining troops from Syria, whose intended mission is to deny the Syrian people the resources needed to reconstruct their country. 

We see Saudi Arabia has cut oil production, they have voiced concerns that the Biden administration is driving down oil prices by depleting the U.S. oil reserves, for political purposes, which by the way are near exhausted.

It was reported yesterday that the Netanyahu government has accused the Biden administration of engaging in color revolution political interference in the recent uprisings. It is not the first time, it is common knowledge that the Obama administration deployed political operatives to meddle in past Israeli elections. Much has to do with Israel refusing to take sides in the Ukraine conflict. They have been trying to preserve their good relations with Russia who has cooperated with Israel in the region. 

Japan announced this week that it is going to buy Russian Oil. While Japan has been a loyal ally of the United States, it is becoming obvious that they are not sure they are willing to go all in with the United States planned confrontation with China. There are signs both Japan and South Korea do not want to take sides and get caught in the crossfire from this policy. Will efforts now be made to attack the government of Japan. I bet Japan is going to watch closely.

Australia has gone all in in this military confrontation with China, Australia's number 1 buyer of its raw materials is China. China can replace those materials with resources from Russia.

Not much reporting about a Taiwanese delegation in Beijing, could it be that they have observed the fate of Ukraine and have decided that they may be better off to come to some diplomatic compromise with China.

Brazil announced they will do business with China in the Chinese yuan rather than the dollar.

Mexico hinted they are interested in joining the BRICS group. They will be invaded before that will be allowed.

NATO members Hungry and Turkey do not want to go all in against Russia, their economic survival is tied to energy from Russia and they have had good relations.

Plans are underway to build a network of roads and rail from Russia, down through Iran and Azerbaijan to increase trade to India and the middle east.

China is planning on developing roads and rail north into Russia and west across Asia  into Europe, these projects with allow trade without using the Oceans as a primary shipping method.

The EU has strong reservations about confronting China, they also in fact have a delegation in Beijing right now. Also, they all know who blew up the Nord stream pipeline and are suffering greatly from the U.S. sanctions with Russia.  

It is a daily event of some serious re-alignment in the world economic system, much is happening around the world, while the U.S. engages in destructive political drama and pushes divisive and destructive social engineering polices as its priorities. It can be expected that much of this will change the world in this current year.

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