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Friday, April 21, 2023

Democrat Presidential candidate with America first message.



Robert Kennedy Jr. has announced his candidacy for president of the United States.  While the mainstream media have already labeled him a science denier, because of his questioning the COVID-19 response and the influence of Pfizer through media advertising and political donations. His message was anything but a typical new democrat message, of race baiting, division and radical social indoctrination. 

His announcement focused on foreign policy, objecting to the endless wars and regime change agenda of the present intelligence community and the Biden administration. He stated clearly that he would be focused on making America the strongest economic and military power, but would adhere to the policy of non-intervention in the affairs of other nations that did not have vital american interests.

He was clear that the only strong America is a united and prospering country that has the financial power to be independent and control its own destiny. He used many quotes from the framers and his former family who both believed that much of the resources of the country should be spent in building a strong America rather than attempts to control the world. He promised to bring home much of the troops from around the world and to focus on building America first.

He can expect that he will be immediately attacked by the powers that be in both parties that will label him a isolationist and a reactionary to the hoped for New World Order of a diminished America and a strong global government.

Within 1 day Kennedy was polled at 14% from democrat voters. Whether that was because of his name recognition or a thirst for something other than the now portrait of the democrat party will remain to be seen.

While Kennedy is somewhat handicapped by a rare disease that makes speaking difficult, his message is a breath of fresh air especially from a democrat. While all the power in the country will be opposed to him and his message, I expect he will do much better than many realize. I praise him for his courage to run for president and for taking positions that are in the best long term interest of the country. 

We will see if there any old time democrats left in their party or have they a succumbed to the divisive and destructive agenda of the current democrat party. 


  1. I have been following Mr. Kennedy for a few years and find Him Loony

    1. could be true, but I will bet on looney over evil.


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