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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Deadly results of U.S. foreign policy.



While everyone celebrated the reforms enacted by the Soviet Union in their quest to move to a market economy and to end their policy of communist expansion, some in the west, especially the United States, believed it was a time of great opportunity. Looking back on the changes in the foreign policy of the United States at that time, it is clear that it has been a disaster for much of the world.

While it is often preached that we are keeping the peace around the world, one has to look closely at the results of this aggressive use of power and its results. Has this policy resulted in a more peaceful world? Has this policy resulted in less violent confrontation around the world? 

At home, we were rejoicing in the hope of a new era of world peace, now that it was no longer necessary to counter the Soviet Unions's policy of communist expansion. Both the Korean and Vietnam wars were sold as necessary to contain communist expansion. I remember well the domino theory and at that time it made sense to a new recruit. It is clear that the Soviet Union and its replacement the Russian federation did end its policy of communist expansion.

We were told that there would now be a new era of global peace, global trade and cooperation, and an actual peace dividend and a reduction in global military spending. This illusion only lasted just a few short years. After near balancing the U.S. budget in the mid 1990's its been escalation and confrontation with a long list of enemies needing to be dealt with. 

While the Iranian revolution and the Russian/ Afghanistan war began in 1979, 11 years before  the break-up of the  Soviet Union, both were the result of foreign intervention. The Iranian revolution was a reaction to the U.S. installed government in Iran and a rejection of western culture, while the Afghanistan war was triggered by the Soviet policy of defending the new Marxist government in Afghanistan. Both simply the last conflicts of the communist expansion era.

This was followed by the Iraq/Iran war that was supported by the United States in an effort to punish Iran for its revolution. Iraq was our proxy in this war. Of course, then the era of regime change and foreign intervention began, first in Iraq, then the reaction by some in the Arab world with 911, then Iraq for the second time and Afghanistan, Syria, Israel, Egypt, and Libya. Regime change interference in Ukraine, Russia and Georgia.  

Then of course there was lots of more subtle interventions in Central and South America  Much with motives that may still not be completely clear, some about control of oil, some about economic control, some just plain because we could.

So, lets look at the world today, April 2023. Is it a more peaceful world? Is cooperation moving ahead or is it more divided? Is the world in a better place than it was in 1991? Is the United States in a better place than in 1991? Has our debt been reduced?  Have we enjoyed the results of the peace dividend?

Is the world viewing the United States as a positive influence on the world?  

Mideast wars and the greatest migrations since WW2 began the cultural and economic destruction of western Europe, this has been further intensified by the sanctions on Russia that seem to be having more of a negative effect on Europe than Russia. While Europe is teetering on economic collapse, we continue to escalate tension with both Russia and now China. All the while our debt is exploding into a possible default or devaluation, foreign countries no longer view the dollar as a stable currency. Our government is now viewed with suspicion and distrust, both abroad and even at home.

Our policies have resulted in the death of millions and the displacement of 10's of millions. The latest and now possibly the most tragic is Ukraine. Their population and economy will take decades to recover, if ever. It could all have been avoided by just listening to the concerns of Russia and the few diplomats left in the western world. It appears it was more about bringing about regime change in Russia rather any concern for the Ukrainian people. It was the continuation of an arrogant and delusional policy that mirrors failed empires of the past, who believe they can rule the world with their power.

It appears that 2023 will likely reveal the culmination of these delusional polices with no re evaluation, no contemplation of their worth, just full steam ahead into to some approaching abyss of economic, cultural and military destruction.

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