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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Trump and Putin to talk today. Just a step to co-existence.



It is reported that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are set to talk today. Some are expecting some kind of dramatic resolution or ceasefire, that is a delusional expectation. The U.S. is in fact the author of the Ukraine project that has resulted in millions of lives and mass destruction. While Trump may have a different perspective on this conflict, there are many in the U.S. government who still believe that the only good Russian is a dead Russian. That includes some prominent Republican Senators, State department employees and intelligence operatives. After years of anti-Russian propaganda a good number of U.S. citizens share that view. Coexistence is the best that can be expected.

Any agreements between Trump and Putin may fall by the wayside in four years, Russia understands this, and cannot be persuaded that good words and good intentions will not evaporate very quickly. The talking is a step in the right direction, something that, if done 15 years ago could have avoided this ongoing tragedy.

So far, this talk was agreed to when Trump has advocated, no NATO in Ukraine and that those 4 oblasts will remain part of Russia. That is the basis for the possibility of a resolution, just the beginning. If Biden has consented to no NATO in Ukraine, this war would not have happened. The ongoing civil war in Ukraine could have been resolved with Ukraine keeping its territory, less Crimea. Ukraine could have had trade and good relations with the EU and Russia and had the potential to be the most prosperous country in Europe. All that is now gone, forever, not to be, the best hope is that a neutral and non-aligned Ukraine can still have a sovereign and somewhat prosperous future. The alternitiver is a forever destitute Ukraine, dependent on support of the west that soon may have trouble supporting itself.

Then there is the EU countries that still want to continue the war, talk of sending troops, recruiting mercenaries from the middle-east, all in an effort to save face. Most likely a lot of hot air. But nonetheless an indication that peace is not hand. Russia will not tolerate NATO troops in Ukraine under any circumstance.

It is also reported that over 30 NATO officers are part of the group trapped near Sudzah, Is this why Trump is concerned for their welfare, how many are U.S. officers?

So, lets hope that Trump and Putin can get clear messages from each other to build some sort of ability for the world to coexist, the alternative is a very poor choice for us all.

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