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Friday, March 21, 2025

We can do without Federal dept. of Education.



There really is not a provision in the constitution that provides for a Federal department of Education. It has not resulted in better outcomes and has raised the cost of education with the numerous mandates it has demanded in exchange for federal money. Many have questioned whether the money has actually offset the cost of the mandates.

Without a Department of Education a National Teachers Union would be irrelevant. Their main purpose was to lobby congress for more mandates and hopefully more money. There are indications that the National Teachers Union is the spearpoint of Woke Ideology in the schools. It is without a doubt run by big government marxist ideologs. Teachers would be free from their dues and also free from the intimidation that many experience to submit to these ideologies.

Schools would be free to innovate by tailoring curriculum more inline with their communities and not be forced to replace tried and true books for unproven ideas that have proved to be failures, like new math. The whole idea is an oxymoron, math could be taught from books that are 100 years old and possibly more successfully than some of the crazed ideas that seemed to more an effort to complicate math. 

While we will hear the usual weeping and gnashing of teeth, lawsuits, and hysteria, schools will do well without the a National department of Educations that just raised costs to the schools and lined the pockets of the well connected education bureaucrats and suppliers. 

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