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Thursday, October 15, 2015



Having watched the democratic debate, I was sorely disappointed at the trickle down, piecemeal agenda of all the democrats on the stage. This was such a pathetic attempt to buy votes that I thought it necessary to put forward a much more progressive agenda. On second thought, why fool around with progressively going anywhere...American is now prepared to "go all the way."
1. Forget about minimum wage laws, we will just give every household $50,000 income per year, good luck McD and all you other Capitalist Pigs. What do you think you will have to pay now? Oh, and all minority people and recent arrivals will get an extra $20,000 just for all the past oppression and injustice.
2. Free day-care, preschool, elementary, high school, and college. For those who have been put upon in the past, a $20,000 incentive just for showing up. Love, Peace and Free for all.
3. Victory in the War on Drugs. Eliminate all drug offences and crime associated with drugs by legalizing all drugs and making them freely available. to all. Love, Peace, and Free for all.
4. Free food and housing guaranteed for all.
5. Elimination of all police, since there is no poverty and free drugs, there is no need to steal or fight over territory, etc.  Also eliminate all the brutality and injustice that police engage in.
6. As soon as elected, we will eliminate the House and Senate; They are just pains in the ass; they are all bigots and reactionaries, bought and paid for by the Koch brothers.
7. Eliminate marriage completely, thereby ending domestic abuse, women being subjugated by men, men having to support women and children. All these are taken care of by us. Love, Peace and Free for all.
8. Eliminate the military, as we know they are the cause of all violence in the world. We will lead the world by destroying all military weapons and promote Peace and Love.
9. The border patrol will all be required to have a CDL license, so they can drive the buses from the border. These buses will be equipped with machines that will issue birth certificates, driver's licenses and checks for $20,000 with a Democratic voter registration on the back.
10. Eliminate religion, since it was the source of most racism, bigotry and a judgmental character. Since all your problems and insecurities are now solved, there won't be any need. Remember, God told Moses he was to be called "I AM." Well from now on forget about praying, you can call us "WE BE"... and if you have a problem just call 1-800-wee-bee1.
11. Eliminate all weapons. Since we have no police, no military, no crime and  free food, we won't need any weapons.
12. We will have flat tax of 20% on all who work for any Government agency. We will place a 80% flat tax on anyone who does not work for a Government agency. We know they are all bigots, racists , rapists, domestic abusers and even Republicans. 
13. Eliminate all history, statues of former leaders, books or anything  from the past. They were all bigots, racists, patriarchal types who had many problems. We will replace all this with a new history starting the day after inauguration.

14. With all this extra money in the economy we will now have more revenue than ever anticipated,  and this will be the most stimulated economy in the history of the world.
Now you have to admit, since Americans have been trained for many years, to "Vote their pocketbook," this is a winning agenda.  The Republicans will be history after this election.  Oh! but since there is no history there won't be any Republicans. Could you imagine that a former Democrat once said, "Think not what your country can do for you."   Such a Democrat would most certainly have the same fate today.   
 Love, Peace and Free for all


  1. speaking of a pathetic attempt to get votes...this seems like a pathetic attempt to get comments/views of your new blog. i was excited to see this blog because i thought it could give some good insight into what's going on back home. come across as another wannabe rush limbaugh like everybody else i grew up with in that area. it might make you popular in new Tripoli (although judging by the lack of's not working), but it's not going to make you popular among people who are looking for unbiased analysis/information.

  2. The blog will contain news with objective reporting, information and articles on subjects of interest, and opinion. This article for example was meant to be a satirical exaggeration of the playbook of the majority of Democratic candidates. While I am a registered Republican, I have criticized them in the past and refuse to vote for many of them. Thank you for your comment.


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